Business Rates and Freedom of Information

We receive a number of requests of a similar nature for information relating to Business Rates. To address these requests we are publishing specific information on:

  • full list of non-domestic properties within Isle of Wight including, Rateable Value, current reliefs, empty property relief/exemption
  • new account liabilities created

We will not provide individual responses to requests during the year for similar information. We will direct requests to our published list of reports held on this website.

Data limitations

Limited companies, Government Bodies, Local Authorities and Public Organisations are the only details we are able to provide. We cannot provide details on individuals, including sole traders, partnerships etc.  Data Protection prevents the publication of individual names.

The ratepayer is the person liable to pay the charge. In many cases this is a leaseholder and not an owner. It is not possible to identify the owners from our records.

Account references are not included as these are personal to the account and are used as verification to ensure that a ratepayer is actually the account holder when they contact us. 

New accounts raised October to December 2024

A list of these accounts provide a snap-shot as at the date of production. We cannot guarantee the ongoing accuracy of the data as accounts are being updated daily.

Full list of non-domestic properties and non-domestic empty properties listing

This information is normally updated on a six monthly basis. Usually in the months of August and February.


Information is redacted where the liable party is in the name of individuals/sole traders. Correspondence address and telephone numbers are not provided. This information is available from Companies House or the telephone directory.

A list of these accounts provide a snap-shot as at the date of production. We cannot guarantee the ongoing accuracy of the data as accounts are being updated daily.