How to Pay Your Business Rates

Your bill shows how much Business Rates you have to pay. Payments should be received on or before the date they are due.

12 Month Instalment Plan

Payment of business rate bills is automatically set on a 10-monthly cycle. However, the Government has put in place regulations that allow businesses to require their local authority to enable payments to be made through 12 monthly instalments. If you wish to take up this offer, you can complete our online Business Rates 12 Monthly Instalments application form.

Set up a Direct Debit

You can set up a Direct Payment to come out of your account on the 1st, 10th or 20th of the month.  

The Council has to comply with the Direct Debit rules issued by the Banks. All payments are governed by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

Internet Payments

You can pay online which provides a 24-hour payment facility to pay Business Rates.  You will need to have your Debit Card and your Business Rates account reference number to hand. You can find the business rates account reference number on your bill.

Online Banking

You can pay your Business Rates over the Internet, you will need the Council’s Bank Details: Isle of Wight Council Receipts Account, Sort Code 30-80-12, Account Number 14867260 and to quote your Business Rates account reference number. You can find the business rates account reference number on your bill.

24 Hour Automated Telephone Payment

To make a payment using our automated telephone service please call 03450450076.  You will need to have your Business Rates account number to hand when making the payment.

Post Office

You can use your Allpay payment card or the barcode shown on your bill at any Post Office free of charge by cash, or debit card.


You can pay in cash only at any PayPoint retailer. For details of payment outlets visit the Allpay website . You must take your bill with you when you go to pay.

Allpay App

Download the App from App Store/Android Market using an Apple or Android smartphone wherever there is a mobile signal. Use the 19 digit payment reference number from the bar code on the front of this bill to pay your instalments. For details of the App please visit the Allpay website.