Touring Caravan Model Standards
Site Licence Conditions for Touring Caravans
“Based on Model Standards for Touring/Caravan/Tenting sites 1983”
A: Site boundaries
- The boundaries of the site shall be clearly marked by a man made or natural feature and the site owner shall give the local authority an up to date layout of the site on application for a licence, when there is a material change to the boundaries or layout or if requested by the local authority. The plan must show all relevant structures, features and facilities on the site.
B. Density and Space between Caravans
- Site density should not exceed 75 units (caravans or motor caravans) per hectare (30 units per acre) unless planning permission dictates otherwise. This is calculated on the basis of useable area rather than the total site area (i.e. excluding crags, lakes, roads, communal services etc).
- Every caravan unit shall not be less than 6 metres from any other unit in separate occupation in any direction.
- Vehicles and other ancillary equipment should be permitted within the 6 metres space between units in separate family occupation but, in order to restrict the spread of fire, there should always be 3 metres clear space within the 6 metre separation.
Point 2 and 3 above is to deferred for further consideration and reported back to a future meeting of the committee.
C: Access, roads, gateways and footpaths
- Roads, gateways and footpaths shall be provided if a risk assessment by the site operator shows the site to be difficult or dangerous to negotiate in wet weather.
- Where provided, roads shall be suitably lit at night as necessary, taking into account the needs and characteristics of a particular site.
- Where provided, vehicle gateways shall:
- Be a minimum of 3.1 metres wide.
- Have a minimum height clearance of 3.7metres.
- Where roads, footpaths and paving are provided, there shall be adequate surface water drainage.
D: Water supply and waste disposal
- All new water supplies, repairs and improvements shall comply with current legislation, regulations and relevant British or European Standards. Work on water supplies and installations shall be carried out only by persons who are qualified in the particular type of work being undertaken an in accordance with current legislation and British or European Standards.
E: Maintenance of common areas
- Every road, communal footpath and pavement on the site shall be maintained in a good condition; good repair and clear of rubbish.
- Grass and vegetation shall be cut and removed at frequent and regular intervals.
- Trees within the site shall (subject to necessary consents) be maintained.
- Any cuttings, litter or waste shall be removed from the immediate surrounds of a pitch.
F: Supply and storage of gas
- Arrangements for the storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on the site should be in accordance with the current national code of practice and regulations.
G: Electrical Installation
- The electrical network installations shall be subject to regulation under current relevant legislation and must be designed, installed, tested, inspected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the current relevant statutory requirements.
- Any work on electrical installations and appliances shall be carried out only by persons who are competent to do the particular type of work being undertaken, in accordance with current relevant statutory requirements.
- Any work on the electrical network within the site shall be done by a competent person fully conversant with the appropriate statutory requirements.
H: Drainage, sanitation and washing facilities
- For sites with up to 120 caravan pitches there shall be 2 WCs for women, 1 WC and 1 urinal for men, per 30 pitches or part thereof.
- There shall be 2 wash hand basins for women and 2 for men per 30 pitches or part thereof and shall be provided with a constant supply of hot and cold water sited adjacent to the toilets.
- Where the provision’s of WC’s is not feasible or justified, entry should be continued to units with their own toilets or chemical closets should be provided.
- For sites with more than 120 pitches, the provision for toilets and wash hand basins may be varied with the agreement of the Council.
- Showers with hot and cold water or water at a suitably controlled temperature shall be provided on a scale of 2 showers for men and 2 showers for women per 60 pitches.
- Properly designed chemical closet disposal points shall be provided, with an adequate supply of water for cleaning the containers. Water supply at disposal points shall be clearly marked “Not Drinking Water”.
- Laundry facilities shall be provided with one deep sink per 30 tents, supplied with running hot and cold water, unless adequate laundry machinery is provided.
- Foul drainage shall be discharged to either a public sewer, private sewer, septic tank or cesspool approved by the Council.
- Particular consideration should be given to the needs of the disabled in the provision made for water points, toilets, washing points and showers.
I: Recreation space
- On sites where it is practical to do so, suitable space equivalent to about one tenth of the total site area shall be allocated for recreational purposes.
J: Notices
The following signs/notices must be displayed in a conspicuous place:
- The name of the site in a prominent position at the entrances to the site.
- Notices should be displayed prominently on the site indicating the action to be taken in the event of an emergency and show where the Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance and local Doctor’s can be contacted, and the location of the nearest public telephone. Where practicable a telephone should be provided on the site and the full address of the site should be displayed near the telephone.
- A copy of the site licence and licence conditions, or the front page of the licence and details of where the full licence conditions can be viewed and between which times.
N: Ensure Compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Undertake a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment of the site and act on significant findings.
- Make available the latest version of the fire risk assessment for inspection by residents and when requested, a copy of the risk assessment shall be made available to the local authority.
- Emergency vehicles should be able to secure access at al times to within 90 metres of any unit on the site.
O: General
Services, amenities, other buildings and structures on the site, play or other equipment, telephones if provided, and the site itself shall be maintained in good repair, in good order in a clean, safe, sanitary, tidy condition and free from accumulations at all times.
P: Refuse Disposal
Adequate provision should be made for the storage, collection and disposal of refuse.