Farmers and Livestock

Current update November 2024: Bluetongue case confirmed on Isle of Wight

Following a confirmed case on the Isle of Wight in November 2024, the Isle of Wight are now included within the restriction zone imposed by DEFRA.

This means the general movement licenses have been revoked. Movements are now restricted on the Island.

For up to date information regarding movements, general and special licences, livestock keepers should consult Bluetongue movement licences and designated slaughterhouses - GOV.UK 

Suspected Bluetongue must be reported immediately. Contact Animal Disease Alert Service (APHA) 03000 200 301

Guidance on Bluetongue how to prevent the spread and what clinical signs to look for

Sheep sheltering under a tree in a green field

Farmers and Livestock

Animal Health and Welfare relates to disease control and welfare of farmed animals. We sit in the Trading Standards Service and are responsible for the enforcement of animal health and welfare legislation. Our aim is to prevent disease risks to both animal and human health. We can advise on:

  • record keeping requirements for livestock movements
  • births and deaths
  • livestock identification
  • animal transport
  • bio security
  • disposal of animal by-products (including animal carcases)
  • animal health and disease control measures.

We work closely with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

You may find our advice and guidance about animal viruses and diseases useful when keeping livestock.

Animal virus and disease guidance

You may find our guidance and advice useful to help you manage any of the notifiable diseases in animals. You are legally obliged to report notifiable diseases.

We have dedicated information about: 

DEFRA Alerts

Be aware of fraud. DEFRA will not call you, send you emails or texts asking you to confirm your personal details or payment information.

Never discuss your bank account details with someone you do not know. We will not ask you to make a payment over the phone. Delete any emails or texts you do not believe are genuine. Do not open any links unless from our main email addresses:

Be cautious about what information you share externally, particularly on social media. If you suspect an attempted fraud or feel you have been the subject of fraud, contact:

You can also contact Action Fraud (the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber-crime) telephone: 0300 123 2040

On-farm animal welfare 

On-farm animal welfare covers all aspects of welfare for all typical farmed species, including transport.

Code of Recommendations

These codes of recommendations provide information on how to keep specific livestock, and your responsibilities for housing, feeding and looking after them.

Code of Recommendations for sheep: Sheep and goats: on-farm welfare

Code of Recommendations for cattle: Beef cattle and dairy cows: on-farm welfare

Code of Recommendations for pigs: Pigs: on-farm welfare

Biosecurity Advice

Defra Approved Disinfectants

Emergency Destruction & Independent Fallenstock Disposal

In a case of emergency destruction, contact your private vet or call a Licensed Slaughterman, B Isaacson on 07807 811040 (by captive bolt or free bullet).

Home Slaughter

The home slaughter of livestock for you and your immediate family’s consumption is permissible. You must not supply to anyone outside of your household. You must comply with welfare regulations.

Reporting Livestock Movements

Sheep and goats: Sheep and goat keepers: how to report animal movements.

CattleRecord and report cattle movements.

Pigs: Pig keepers: report and record movements to or from your holding.