Doorstep Traders

If somebody knocks your door out of the blue offering to clean your drive or roof, maybe fix a roofing tile or sort out your garden they are unlikely to be a genuine trader. They may quote you a very reasonable price in the first instance but once they have started the work this will escalate. They are likely to be unskilled, do a poor job and potentially leave you in a worse state than before they started. 

  • If you are not expecting anyone to call, use a window or spy hole to see who is knocking. If it is not someone you know don’t answer the door! 
  • If you do get caught by someone either on the doorstep or whilst you are in your garden trying to sell you goods or a service remember you should never enter into a contract without giving yourself time to think about it. 
  • They may carry out inspections on areas you can't access. For example: the loft or roof and they will claim to find problems. Often showing you pictures, video or meter readings. These won't be genuine
  • If you are worried by what they are telling you, we recommend that you call in one of Trading Standards Approved Traders. They will assess the work and give you reliable advice. Visit our Approved Traders list
  • Never agree to any contract straight away
  • Ask for the trader’s contact details and state you will get back to them if you decide to have the work done
  • Don’t always trust a flier through the door, these are cheap and easy to produce and give rogue traders an air of legitimacy 
  • If you say yes to someone who knocks on your door to do work and then change your mind, call the Police at 101 or Trading Standards at 01983 823371 right away. We can help you.
  • They may offer to take you to the bank to withdraw the cash to pay them – no honest trader would behave in this way. Do not go with them 
  • When someone knocks, you can talk to them through a small gap. This makes it hard for them to come in, but easy for you to close the door.
  • Putting a sticker on your door that says you don’t buy things from people who knock might not stop them from knocking, but it shows you don’t want them to. It also helps if there’s an investigation.

Remember it is your home you do not have to answer the door or let anyone in! 

Remember you are not being rude if you refuse to discuss having work carried out on your home and shut the door. 

If you have any suspicions about a cold caller they may continue knocking on doors in your neighbourhood until they find someone who may be vulnerable. If we or the Police don’t know about them, we can’t do anything!

So, if someone suspicious does call at your door, always report it. Tell us a description of the vehicle and its registration and anything you remember about the trader.

  • Call us on 01983 823371 or the Police on 101 to help safeguard your community. 
  • Please don’t put yourself in danger just tell us what you can see safely. 

If you do happen to get caught off guard and a cold caller does talk you into having work done let us know about it as soon as possible. If they are working outside use your house phone from indoors. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. The sooner we know about it, the better chance we have of catching them and stopping them from conning other vulnerable residents. 

Cold callers, if in doubt keep them out!

How to check or report

These useful websites and contacts can help you when you need further advice or wish to report and issue.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

Action Fraud

IW Trading Standards