Coproduction with Parents and Children
- Section 19 of the Children and Families Act 2014 makes clear that local authorities, in carrying out their functions under the Act, must have regard (among other things) to the importance of children and young people, and their parents and carers, participating as fully as possible in decisions about their individual care. Local authorities must also ensure that children, young people, parents and carers are involved in decisions about local provision. They need to ensure that children, young people, parents and carers are provided with the information and support necessary to enable participation in those decisions.
- Local authorities will be required to publish comments from children, young people and parents by no later than 31st August 2015 along with details of the action they intend to take in response to the comments. However, local authorities should have in place an approach to ‘test out’ their Local Offer with users and consider how they can engage harder-to-reach-groups of parent carers and young people, well in advance of this date.
To support this process a number of documents have been produced.
Local Documents
Parents Voice IW
- Parent Voice IW Local Offer 12 June 2014 (PDF, 258KB)
- When a child becomes a young adult - transition Flyer (PDF, 549KB)
- When a child becomes a young adult - transition Agenda (PDF, 492KB)
- When a child becomes a young adult - Feedback (PDF, 326KB)
- Local Offer 2016 evaluation poster 12 July 2016 (PDF, 394KB)
- Meet the Isle of Wight SEN Team poster 27 February 2017 (PDF, 786KB)
- Meet the Isle of Wight SEN Team questions and answers February 2017 (PDF, 320KB)
Young Inspector Reports
- Young Inspector Report - Local Offer Nov 2014 (PDF, 308KB)
- Young Inspector Report from Medina House - Local Offer May 2015 (PDF, 255KB)
- PowerPoint Presentation by Young Inspectors on LO,EHCP,PB (PDF, 338KB)
- "You said we did" presentation to Young Inspectors April 2015 (PDF, 1.47MB)
- Young Inspector Report - EHCP (PDF, 395KB)
- Check it out - Young Inspectors Critique 16th April 2015 (PDF, 114KB)
- Beaulieu House report from Young Inspectors - 19th March 2015 (PDF, 459KB)
Local Offer feedback
- Local Offer Survey
- Local Offer Survey Guidelines (PDF, 611KB)
- Local Offer Survey - interim results 13 April 2014 (PDF, 49KB)
- Local Offer: Areas to improve, what worked well (PDF, 257KB)
- Lessons Learned - Local Offer (PDF, 163KB)
- SE Self Assessment of the Local Offer June 2015 (PDF, 838KB)
- Local Offer - leaflet distribution CCG (PDF, 204KB)
- Local Offer Assessment/Action Plan December 2015 (PDF, 164KB)
- Local Offer Peer Review completed by Brighton and Hove (PDF, 341KB)
- Local Offer Peer Review Presentation Slides (PDF, 719KB)
- Local Offer Peer Review Summary (PDF, 640KB)
- Local Offer Peer Review completed by Southampton County Council December 2019 (PDF, 332KB)
- South East Local Offer Peer Review Summary January 2020 (PDF, 254KB)
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Check it out (CCG)
National Documents
- 3 December 2014, Isle of Wight Young Inspectors referenced in an Edward Timpson MP speech-supporting SEND students in Further Education that the minster gave to an FE audience
- 12 November 2015, Isle of Wight Young Inspectors were referenced at an address by Edward Timpson MP to the Council for Disabled Children (CDC)
- 27 January 2016, a survey of over 40% of English social services authorities by the Cerebra Legal Entitlements Research Project at Cardiff Law School reviewed local authority ‘short breaks’ statements. The Isle of Wight was singled out as an example of best practice
Young Inspector Programme
The Short Breaks ‘Young Inspector’ Programme has been specifically designed to increase the involvement and ‘voice’ of children and young people with disabilities and/or additional needs.
The Young Inspectors are a group of Young People aged 6-19 with disabilities and/or additional needs that inspect services across the island. They have helped shape the EHCP (Education Health CarePlan) plan and the Local Offer, spoken in front of the Department of Education and even been recognised by National Government. Mainly the Young People inspect activities such as discos, horse riding, kayaking and many more. All the activities will be put on specifically for young people with additional needs and they then feed back to us about the sessions.
- family guide to the Young Inspector programme (PDF, 776KB)
- young inspector pack (PDF, 244KB)
- referral form from a profession (PDF, 52KB)
Find out more about the Young Inspectors Scheme
Engagement with Young People
The SEND Youth Forum is an opportunity for young people with special educational needs and disabilities to feedback about the services they need and use, so that we can learn from their experiences. This includes good experiences, as well as areas for improvement. You can complete the questionnaire to give your feedback (PDF, 366.01KB, 3 pages).
We and Parents Voice offer children and young people with SEND aged 11-25 an opportunity to have your voices heard by joining a group.
Once you are a member, it will be up to you how much or how little you do. You can help make decisions about the group such as its name, how it runs, when it runs, be part of creating events, or deciding on workshops for things that will help and support members.
Some things are already set:
- becoming a member will always be free
- all members have SEND and are 11-25 years
- it will aim to empower its members to be heard equally on matters that are important to them.
Refer a member
If you know a young person who has SEND, is aged 11-25 years you can refer them.
The first meeting took place on 12 July 2019 (PDF, 405.53 KB, 3 pages).
View the notes (PDF, 65.18 KB, 1 page) for the KIDS session held on Wednesday 21 August 2019 at the Smile Centre.