Contact us

Call us

If you are unsure what department you need call 01983 821000

Our opening hours for phone calls are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Out of hours

For some services we operate an out of hours number 

When to call environmental health out of hours01983 821000
When to call dangerous structures 01983 821105 
Adult Services 01983 821105 
When to call housing advice 01983 823040
Children’s 24-hour hotline
01983 823435

Compliments, complaints and freedom of information requests

Your feedback, compliments and complaints are important to us and can help us improve the services we provide to all our customers.


We like to hear when we have done something well.

Make a complaint

When things go wrong, we aim to put things right. If we are unable to resolve your complaint on an informal basis, a formal complaints procedure is available. Our complaints policy provides details of the procedure.

You can make a complaint if we

  • do something wrong
  • provide a poor standard of service
  • fail to do something we should have
  • do something we should not do

It is not treated as a complaint when

  • you are asking for a service such as reporting a faulty streetlight or a pothole
  • you are appealing against a decision which, although it is not the one you wanted, has been properly formed

More detail about the complaint process is included in our how to make a complaint, complaints policy and unacceptable behaviour policy.

We have separate complaints procedures for adult social care and children's services.

Make a complaint about housing for which the Isle of Wight Council is the registered provider

You can share your feedback to help us improve our housing services and to highlight what things we are doing right. Your feedback can

  • be positive, negative, or neutral
  • be about your experience with our services
  • tell us if we’ve got things right and if you are happy with our services and staff
  • suggest how we could do things differently to help us improve
Your comments and compliments are just as important as making a complaint

Notify the Council of personal injury or damage to property.

Make a freedom of information (FOI) request

Find out how to make a Freedom of Information request

Tell us about a change of address

Complete and send a change of address form

Visit us

Enquiries are by appointment only call 01983 823134 to book an appointment with IsleHelp

Press, media and social media

Find out how to contact our Communications team

Help centres

If you experience a technical problem, find something wrong or have any feedback about this website send us a message.