Closed consultations
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Consultation on draft LNRS for the Isle of Wight
In December 2024, Defra and Natural England approved the draft LNRS for the Isle of Wight. The next step was to hold a period of public consultation before councillors are asked to approve the final version.
- The public consultation ran for four weeks from Friday 17 January 2025
- The deadline for comments was Friday 14 February 2025
Isle of Wight school place planning proposals
Residents on the Isle of Wight had another opportunity to have their say on proposed primary school closures.
Following Cabinet approval last month, Public Notices were published (Friday 3 January 2025) for Arreton St George's CE, Brading CE, Cowes, Oakfield CE and Wroxall primary schools.
If approved, these closures would come into effect from 31 August 2025.
Consultation closed at 5pm on 3 February 2025
Supplementary Planning Document consultations
The Isle of Wight Council is consulting on the content of the following draft documents with a view to adopting each one as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) within the Island Plan Local Development Framework.
The consultation period ran from Friday 29 November 2024 until 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025.
Budget consultation 2025-2026
The Isle of Wight Council public consultation gave Islanders the opportunity to have their say on how the Council should spend its money next year.
The annual budget consultation sought feedback from all Island residents about the priorities they want to see in the coming year.
These views will help shape the draft budget for the 2025/26 financial year.
Residents were encouraged to complete the consultation survey and have their say by Sunday 26 January 2025.
More information about council finances can be found in the Our finances section of our website.
Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)
Opened: Monday 30 September 2024
Closed: Sunday 27 October 2024
Background information: Public Spaces Protection Orders, or PSPOs, allow the Isle of Wight Council to continue protecting the Island's beaches and public spaces for locals and visitors to enjoy.
The previous orders expired in June 2024 and residents, businesses, and stakeholders were invited to share their views on whether certain rules around dogs in public spaces should be reintroduced.
No changes are being proposed.
The consultation asked questions on a variety of dog control related issues.
Feedback from the consultation will help to shape and inform whether the council reintroduces a dog control PSPO.
The final decision to agree the new order, with any changes included, will be made by the council's cabinet in November 2024
Working to improve stop smoking services
The Isle of Wight Council is working to improve the stop smoking services for people who live and work on the Isle of Wight. Your views on this topic are important to us.
The Public Health Service asked you to share your thoughts with us so we can learn more about how people use the stop smoking services.
Your input will help us to identify areas where we can provide better support and improve future services.
Responses will be kept anonymous.
The closing date of the survey was 30 September 2024.
If you require further information or local support on becoming smoke free:
Local council tax support (LCTS) scheme 2025 to 2026
Consultation closed 23 September 2024.
Please take time to read the background information provided here to help with your responses.
We will consider what you tell us both carefully and fully.
The new scheme will start on 1 April 2025.
Island Planning Strategy consultation
We are preparing a new local plan called the Island Planning Strategy. This is to replace the Island Plan Core Strategy.
The Island Planning Strategy (IPS) is a plan for development on the island over the next 15 years. The Council consulted the local community to help develop the plan.
Full details of the consultation can be found on our Island Planning Strategy page
Consultation on the expansion of Medina House School
Consultation closed 12 July 2024
Expansion of Medina House School, Newport, IOW. The proposal includes expanding the agreed place number from 104 to 138 from 1 September 2024.
Further details can be found within the notice below
- Public notice (PDF, 109KB)
- Full proposal (PDF, 109KB)
The Isle of Wight Council and school hosted a drop-in session where further information was shared
- 28 June 2024 from 2 pm – 4.30pm.
at Medina House School, School Lane, Newport IOW, PO30 2AN
(note this is the satellite site not the main school site)
Anti-poverty Strategy Residents Survey
Consultation start date: 02/04/2024
Consultation close date: 17/05/2024
The Isle of Wight Council is working together with voluntary service organisations and partners on the Island to understand how we can all work together to support Islanders who may be living in poverty.
Traffic Regulation Orders - Ryde, Newport, Seaview, East Cowes
Consultation start date: 05/04/2024
Consultation close date: 03/05/2024
We are currently consulting on Traffic Regulation Orders relating to
Well Street, Ryde
We are proposing a one-hour limited waiting parking bays in front of the new dentist/nursery building; this proposal is in line with all limited parking bays in the area, it is designed to accommodate town centre/dentist visitors’ needs during the day, and local residents’ overnight parking needs.
Spring Lane, Newport
We are proposing to closure the ford crossing for vehicular access in order to enable physical enhancements on Lukely Brook and to improve the ecological resilience and quality of the watercourse.
High Street, Seaview
We are proposing a short stretch of a no waiting parking restriction (double yellow lines) because any vehicle parked in this location has a potential to cause traffic flow obstruction/ques and access issues.
Church Path, East Cowes
There are old yellow lines remaining on street in Church Path and due to the current unsafe parking in the area we are now proposing the make the lines enforceable by introducing a formal no waiting parking restriction.
Sex Establishment Licensing Policy – Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – Schedule 3 Police and Crime Act 2009 – Section 27
Consultation start date: 08/03/2024
Consultation close date: 05/04/2024
The Isle of Wight Council’s Sex Establishment Licensing Policy is currently being reviewed. The Licensing Authority is required to regularly review the policy to include guide applicants through the Licensing process and to assist councillors in their decision making with regards to permitting Sex Establishments.
As part of the review process the Licensing Authority is required to provide a consultation period to seek the views of the; Responsible Authorities, local residents and businesses that may be affected by the changes included in the policy.
Draft health contributions supplementary planning document
Start of consultation: 16 Feb 2024
End of consultation: 02 Apr 2024
The Isle of Wight Council is consulting on the draft Health Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions.
The draft SPD outlines how the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) decide what improvements to health infrastructure may be needed in particular areas of the Island. These improvements would be for infrastructure only (e.g. new or extended health premises) and not health services (e.g. more GPs).
The document sets out how the ICB will use evidence relating to the following to calculate whether contributions are required
- the capacity of existing health facilities in an area
- current patient list sizes
- size and space standards for new health facilities
- the cost of building new health facilities
The draft SPD then identifies how the amount of money a developer may have to pay towards these improvements is worked out and also what size of new development may have to pay.
A3056 - Traffic Regulation Order Consultation
Start of consultation: 01 Mar 2024
End of consultation: 29 Mar 2024
We are consulting on the several speed limit changes as part of the A3056 Safer Roads Fund Project.
Last year Isle of Wight Council was awarded £2.1m from the Department for Transport's Safer Roads Fund for major safety improvements to one of the Island’s busiest roads, the A3056 between Blackwater and Lake.
The proposed Traffic Regulation Orders include variable speed limits near to primary schools in Arreton and Lake at times when children will be arriving and leaving.
Other proposed changes along the route include 40mph limits on short stretches of the road where there are significant concerns over the number and severity of accidents.
School Transport Policy Consultation
Start of consultation: 29 Jan 2024
End of consultation: 13 Mar 2024
Background: The Council is required by law to consult on any changes to is it’s School Transport Policy.
We would like to hear from you about the proposed changes to the School Transport Policy (known before as the ‘Home to School Transport Policy’).
The School Transport Policy sets out the legal responsibilities of the Council. It has to provide assistance with transport to school or education setting for children and young people living in the local authority area.
The findings of the consultation will be published and presented to Isle of Wight Council Cabinet in 2024.
The findings will help the Council make a decision on:
- the proposed changes to the policy
- how they deliver transport assistance
Post 16 Transport Consultation
Start of consultation: 29 Jan 2024
End of consultation: 13 Mar 2024
Background: The Post 16 Transport Policy is consulted on annually. We would like to here from you about the proposed changes.
Approved changes to the policy will apply to new applications from September 2024.
The findings of the consultation will be published and presented to Isle of Wight Council Cabinet in 2024.
The findings will help the Council decide on
- the proposed changes to the policy
- how they deliver transport assistance
Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Start of consultation: 26 Jan 2024
End of consultation: 08 Mar 2024
The Isle of Wight Council is consulting on the Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (PDF, 2MB). It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions.
Sustainable Drainage Systems, or SuDS, are a way to manage surface water. They copy the way that rainwater drains in a natural landscape.
The draft supplementary planning document outlines the design principles required to deliver SuDS on the Isle of Wight. It provides advice on including SuDS within any new development.
This guidance is for practical use by those looking to develop at any scale. It is also for designers of surface water drainage systems.
The guide is relevant to all those involved in the new development, whether in:
- master planning
- design
- approval
- construction
- maintenance
It can be used by anyone looking to find out more about SuDS.
The SPD is intended to assist developers and property owners to deliver SuDS which
- prevent and reduce surface water flooding
- have clear responsibilities for future maintenance and management
- are appropriate to the island, its geology and hydrology
- deliver social, environmental and financial benefits
- aim to meet a range of sustainability and place-making objectives
Street Furniture Licensing Policy Highways Act 1980 Section 115E
Start of consultation: 15 Jan 2024
End of consultation: 25 Feb 2024
The Isle of Wight Council’s Street Furniture Licensing Policy intends to update the authority's Highway Permissions Policy and aims to support businesses understand where the placing of objects or structures on the highway may be permitted.
The council encourages the effective use of street furniture and recognises their provision can make a positive contribution to the quality of the streetscape. However, without careful consideration, street furniture may have the opposite effect on the local area.
Traffic Regulations Orders (TRO) District 4
Start of consultation: 22 Jan 2024
End of consultation: 16 Feb 2024
The council is currently part-way through an Island wide review of traffic regulation orders.
The process for introducing changes on the highway is regulated by the law. Every proposal is advertised in the press, inviting public feedback to be given within 28 days of the proposal notice. This is called a formal TRO consultation.
We are consulting on the following areas as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation:
- Sandown
- Shanklin
Budget 2024/25
Start of consultation: 18 Dec 2023
End of consultation: 26 Jan 2024
Residents and organisations, council tax and business rate payers are invited to have their say on the council’s budget and council tax for 2024/25.
More than 1,000 responses were received for the last budget consultation. It would be great to increase that number and hear from more of you.
We won’t get all the information from government that we need to complete the budget until the New Year. While we carry on working on it we would like to hear your views about the important choices we need to make.
This short consultation should take less than five minutes of your time to complete.
You can also email any comments or suggestions to
This email address has been set up to only collect budget consultation comments. It is not suitable for service enquiries.
Community Safety Partnership Survey 2023
Start of consultation: 05 Dec 2023
End of consultation: 12 Jan 2024
Island residents are being asked to complete a short survey about their feelings around community safety on the Island.
Colin Rowlands, the council's director of communities, said: “I would urge Islanders to have their say and let us know the issues that are most important to them.
“A major plus for the Island is our safe and strong communities, and research does bear out the Isle of Wight is one of the safest places to live in the UK.
"However, the council and its partners are keen to make it even safer and we need help in understanding where we should focus our strategy so please ask family, friends and neighbours to fill it in.”
Superintendent Rob Mitchell, the Area Commander for policing on the Isle of Wight, said: “Our constabulary is going through a period of change to deliver a more effective area based policing model.
"This means a renewed drive to deliver excellent local policing, an even better service to victims and a relentless pursuit of criminals. To do this we need to ensure that we are listening and responding to local community concerns
“My teams set monthly priorities for policing on the Island and the survey will help to guide our work and that of our partner organisations."
Island Planning Strategy consultation
Consultation opened: Monday 8 July 2024
Consultation closed: Monday 19 August 2024
We are preparing a new local plan called the Island Planning Strategy. This is to replace the Island Plan Core Strategy.
The Island Planning Strategy (IPS) is a plan for development on the island over the next 15 years. The Council consults the local community to help develop the plan.
We have published our ‘submission version’ of the Island Planning Strategy, for 6 weeks. You can comment from Monday 8 July 2024 until midnight on Monday 19 August 2024.
Full details of the consultation can be found on our Island Planning Strategy page
Dementia Strategy consultation
Isle of Wight health and social care system leaders launched the Isle of Wight Dementia Strategy in May 2022. It sets out a joint vision for improving dementia services and making the Island a place where people with a dementia can live safe and fulfilling lives.
We are working to refresh the Dementia Strategy, looking at what has already been achieved and where our continued efforts are needed to continue to drive improvements in dementia care and support for local people.
We wanted you to tell us about your experience of dementia services to understand what has worked well and what can be done better.
We hosted four in-person events across the island to facilitate open discussions and gather direct feedback. These events provided an opportunity for attendees to engage with our team, share their stories, and contribute to the future direction of our Dementia Strategy.
Events were be held as an informal discussion providing people with the opportunity to give feedback.
- 22 January 2025, 10am to 1pm, The Broadway Centre, Sandown
- 30 January 2025, 1pm to 4pm, The Riverside Centre, Newport
- 05 February 2025, 1pm to 4pm, Parklands Café, Cowes
- 11 February 2025, 1pm to 4pm, West Wight Leisure Centre, Freshwater
Closing date for the questionnaire was 28 February 2025