Town, Parish and Community Councils

You can access contact details for all of the Town and Parish Councils on the Isle of Wight.

Ryde Town Board

Ryde is one of 75 towns across the UK to benefit from the Government’s Long-Term Plan for Britain’s Towns initiative. It launched in September 2023 as part of the levelling up programme. Ryde will receive up to £20 million of government funding over the next decade.

The fund will be managed by a new Town Board. This board is led by an independent Chair and made up of local community leaders and employers.

The Town Board develops and oversees the delivery of a long-term town plan for Ryde. This plan has a 10 year vision and a 3 year investment plan. The investment themes are:

  1. Safety and security
  2. High streets, heritage and regeneration
  3. Transport and connectivity

The Isle of Wight Council is the accountable body for the government funds.

Ryde Town Council will provide administrative support for the Board.

UK government crest and words 'Funded by UK Government'