Register to vote

The registration system changed in June 2014, this was the biggest change to the voter registration system in over 100 years. The system is called ‘Individual Electoral Registration’, and we are required to check your identity against official records when you register. This makes the electoral register more secure.

How to register

In England if you are 16 years old or older you can register online on the GOV.UK website.

Everyone is responsible for registering themselves.  Under the old system the ‘head of every household’ could register everyone who lived at their address, this is no longer an option.

How to register online if your not already registered

  1. To register visit GOV.UK website - register to vote
  2. Fill in your name, address, date of birth and a few other details.  You will need your national insurance number, which can be found on your national insurance card, or in official paperwork such as payslips, or letters about benefits or tax credits.
  3. Look out for a confirmation to say you are registered.
  4. Please use the "Contact Us section" to get in touch or contact us in writing.

Alternative ways to register

  • If you cannot apply to register to vote online you can also call us on 01983 823380 during normal office hours and we can register you over the phone. You will need to know your date of birth and national insurance number.
  • If you would like to complete the forms yourself, please call us and provide your name(s) and address and we will send you the necessary forms through the post for you to complete.

You must be a citizen of a qualifying country to be able to register.  The full list of eligible nationalities can be checked on the Electoral Commission website.

When we have received and verified your details we will add you to our list of new applications which is available to view on request in County Hall, Newport. Any elector can then object to your name being added to the register within 5 days of its inclusion. If this happens we will write to you.If your application is not objected to, we will change your details within 2 to 5 weeks of receiving your form.  We will write to tell you when your application is allowed.Once your application has been allowed we will contact the Electoral Registration Officer from your former address on your behalf and let them know that you have moved.  This will mean that your name will be removed from that register.  People who live at two homes (including students) are allowed to register at both.  If you do not want to be removed from your other address, please explain why when you register.

There are special rules about names being added to the Register of Electors during an election period.  Because of these rules we must receive your registration form by the twelfth working day before the election for your registration to be effective.

Find your polling station

Polling stations will open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Photographic identification will be required to vote in the 4 July UK general election.

Election information

Enter your postcode to find out who's standing for election and where your polling station is

Electoral Services Privacy Notice

Read a copy of the Electoral Services Privacy Notice (PDF, 3 pages, 114KB).