Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)
How to request a EIR
You can make a EIR request verbally, but we would encourage you to put into writing to ensure a clear audit trail.
Email your EIR request to: information@iow.gov.uk
Post your EIR request to: Corporate Information Unit, Legal Services, Floor 1, County Hall, High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD
Response time
We will reply to your EIR request within 20 working days.
The Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities.
All information that is considered to be ‘environmental’ in nature and falls under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004 definition. The information can be in the form of:
- anything written down
- illustrations
- sound recordings
- electronic files
- Departments affected by EIR
Departments that are likely to hold information that may be considered ‘environmental’ in nature, include but are not limited to:
- Environmental health
- Refuse collection and waste management
- Energy management
- Planning services
- Highways
The council does not differentiate between EIR requests and FOI requests, unless the information is considered sensitive and an exemption/exception needs to be considered.
Exceptions are like exemptions under FOI. All exceptions are subject to the 'Public Interest Test' and it is for the Council to justify their use and include:
- unfinished documents/incomplete data
- internal communications
- negatively affect matters such as confidentiality of public authority proceedings
- personal data.
A Public Interest Test helps decide if sharing a request for information is good for everyone and serves the interests of the public. It checks if telling people the information is more important than maintaining an exception in respect of the information requested.
General points in favour of release include:
- promotion of accountability and transparency
- bringing to light information affecting public health and safety
- timing of request - is it right to share it.
- financial considerations - does it save or involves money
Further information on the The public interest test | provide by the ICO