Environment and Sustainability Forum

Purpose of the Environment and Sustainability Forum

In July 2019 the Isle of Wight Council declared a climate emergency. Following this declaration, our Plastics Forum became the Environment and Sustainability Forum (ESF).

This change allows a wider focus on a broader range of climate and environment-related issues. It means we can discuss relevant issues with Island residents, town and parish councils, and other stakeholders. Download our Climate and Environment Strategy (PDF, 1.70MB).

In January 2022 the Cabinet and Full Council agreed the Environment and Sustainability Forum would provide

  • an opportunity both for Biosphere residents and other interested parties to input to the management of the Biosphere
  • for the Partnership to provide feedback on its progress and achievements in managing the Biosphere

Upcoming ESF meetings

DateTopic Registration details
10 April 2025
Evening - 6pm
Registration link coming soon
8 May 2025
Day - 1pm
Registration link coming soon
12 June 2025
Evening - 6pm
Registration link coming soon
10 July 2025
Day - 1pm
Registration link coming soon
14 August 2025
Evening - 6pm
Registration link coming soon
11 September 2025
Day - 1pm
Registration link coming soon
9 October 2025
Evening - 6pm
Registration link coming soon
13 November 2025
Day - 1pm
Registration link coming soon
11 December 2025
Evening - 6pm
Registration link coming soon

If you have any suggestions for the topics of these meeting or would like to be added to the mailing list for notifications email sustainability@iow.gov.uk

All meetings are taking place virtually using Microsoft Teams.


The Environment and Sustainability forum (ESF) has evolved from the previous Plastics Forum. It includes a wider narrative that will support the councils work towards

  • sustainability
  • decarbonisation
  • and promoting the circular economy

Following a motion to Full Council regarding setting a Climate Emergency, this forum will support and feed into the task and finish group for the Scrutiny Committee for Environment and Regeneration. This has been set up to develop an action plan for the IWC to be net zero carbon by 2030.

Overall Principles

The ESF forum will debate and discuss ways in which the Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight can develop sustainable plans and act to promote a sustainable carbon future.

The ESF will be

  1. Non-political in its discussion and debate
  2. Only deal with issues/matters the Isle of Wight council can affect or facilitate or influence other on island organisations/businesses
  3. An open platform for discussion and debate on matters of sustainability and net carbon zero
  4. Agree that if a matter has been noted, discussed and actions agreed it cannot be brought back to the forum without prior consent of the Chair
  5. A consultee on papers produced by the task & finish group

Roles and Responsibilities


The ESF will be chaired by a senior manager of the IWC as delegated by the Director of Neighbourhoods. The Chair will ensure that relevant officers of the council are invited to inform and discuss relevant topics on the agenda.


The ESF will be administered by the Isle of Wight Council staff as delegated by the Director of Neighbourhoods or the Chair

The administrator will

  1. Take accurate minutes of the forum
  2. Circulate invitations to meetings at least seven days in advance of each forum
  3. Circulate and agenda, minutes of the previous ESF and any additional supporting information to the ESF forum members at the same time as the meeting invitations
  4. Ensure public attendance is open
  5. Publish the meeting dates, minutes and agenda’s in the Isle of Wight Council’s website
  6. Send copies of the minutes and agendas to the Task and Finish group for climate Change

ESF Members will

  1. Arrive promptly in advance of the start time of each meeting
  2. Always conduct themselves in a respectful manner to one another during debate and discussion
  3. Indicate to the chair if they wish to speak and wait for the Chair to indicate it is their turn to speak

Questions for the Forum must be pre-submitted. This will allow Council officers to gather information. If you would like to pre-submit any questions email these to sustainability@iow.gov.uk

They must be submitted one week before to the meeting date.