Flood risk and investigation

October and November 2023 flood investigations

In our role as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), we commissioned JBA consulting to gather evidence following the flooding that impacted the Island as a result of Storm Babet and Storm Ciaran in October and November 2023.

The initial evidence gathering exercise indicated that at least 317 properties experienced internal flooding in October and November 2023.

The information supplied helped us to understand how this flooding has impacted the local community, where to carry out specific investigations and to consider potential options to mitigate the risk of similar flooding occurring in the future.

The following Section 19 flood investigation reports have now been published by the council in our role as LLFA:

A Section 19 report addendum for Binstead will be published in October with a Section 19 report for Cowes to follow later in 2024.

Any questions related to these Section 19 flood investigation reports should be sent to llfa@iow.gov.uk

Flood investigations

On becoming aware of a flood we must, to the extent that we consider necessary or appropriate, investigate:
  • which risk management authorities have relevant flood management functions
  • whether each of those risk management authorities has exercised, or is proposing to exercise those functions in response to the flood.

When considering whether to investigate, we will follow our flood investigation protocol.

We may investigate if:

  • there is doubt surrounding the source or responsibility of a flood incident;
  • internal flooding of one property has been experienced on more than one occasion;
  • internal flooding of a group of properties has been experienced during a single flood incident;
  • flooding resulted in disruption of one or more items of critical infrastructure;
  • a single flood incident resulted in flooding that affects vulnerable individuals; 
  • there is risk to life as a result of flooding.
Investigations have been undertaken for the following areas:

Flood risk management

We are responsible for flood risk management and have developed a local flood risk management strategy. The strategy provides information about potential flood hazards including:
  • tidal
  • river
  • surface water
  • sewer
  • groundwater.
The aim is to understand, communicate and manage the risk of flooding and the impacts they have.

The following documents provide information on flooding on the Isle of Wight:

If you require the documents on this page in a different format, please contact the service.