Examination library
The examination library contains all of the supporting evidence and documents relating to the Island Planning Strategy.
All of the documents in the library are categorised and have individual document references. To help the Programme Officer and Inspector run the examination smoothly, please do use these references when referring to any of the documents in the library.
- CD1 Island Planning Strategy submission version July 2024
- CD2 Island Planning Strategy Policies Map and interactive map
- CD3 Local Development Scheme
- CD4 IPS submission covering letter
- CD5 IPS Regulation 22 Consultation statement
- CD6 Summary of responses to Regulation 19 consultation
- CD7 Document setting out proposed modifications from
- CD8 Regulation 19 period of representation statement of compliance with SCI
- CD9.A Regulation 19 representations database
- CD10.A Regulation 19 representor list with representor numbers
Documents CD9.A and CD10.A above include five additional representations that the Inspectors have accepted as duly made.
The documents on this page are for reference and the examination process, and not all are produced by us so may not be fully accessible. If you need the documents in an alternative format, please contact the programme officer