Responses to the Regulation 19 consultation
Responses received during the Regulation 19 period can be found using these documents.
The updated documents below (CD9.A and CD10.A) include five additional representations that the Inspectors have now accepted as duly made.
Individual response documents, listed by representor number
- IPSR21 National Theatres Trust
- IPSR22 Mike Davies - Shorwell Parish Council
- IPSR23 Home Consultancy Ltd
- IPSR24 Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
- IPSR25 Northwood Parish Council
- IPSR26 IOW Archaeology & Historic Environment Service
- IPSR27 Sustainable Freshwater Community Group
- IPSR28 James Tregoning - WightLife Homes
- IPSR29 Wootton Bridge Parish Council
- IPSR30 Angie Jordan
- IPSR31 Oliver Woolf - Savills - Red Funnel
- IPSR32 Huw Jenkins
- IPSR33 Sarah Sims
- IPSR34 Bell-Cornwell - on behalf of Smallbrook Development Limited
- IPSR35 Bridget Fox - Woodland Trust
- IPSR36 Owen Neal - Sport England
- IPSR37 Robert Graham - Isle of Wight NHS Trust
- IPSR38 Damien Lynch -planning Issues on behalf of Churchill Living (CL)
- IPSR39 Penelope Baker
- IPSR40 Nora Galley - Now planning
- IPSR43 Dawn Collins
- IPSR44 Cllr Dominic Hicklin - Freshwater Parish Council
- IPSR45 Isle of Wight National Landscape (AONB)
- IPSR46 Mandy Pearce
- IPSR47 Isle of Wight Bus and Rail users group
- IPSR48 Amber Trueman - Southampton City Council
- IPSR49 Warren Whyte
- IPSR50 Nick Stuart
- IPSR71 Dr Sheard
- IPSR72 Julia Sheard
- IPSR73 Mary Emmett
- IPSR74 Christine Tout
- IPSR75 Freshwater Parish Council
- IPSR76 Angela Brooks – Fisher German LLP - behalf of Landowner and Developer (Jacton Properties)
- IPSR77 John Herbert - Troy Planning - Design on behalf of Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council
- IPSR78 Alister Henderson - Carter Jonas - for Southern Gas Networks (SGN)
- IPSR79 Conor Layton - BNP Paribas Real Estate - on behalf of BAE Systems, Cowes
- IPSR80 Phil Salmon - Phil Salmon Planning Ltd
- IPSR81 Martha James - Plan research - on behalf of Richard Osman
- IPSR82 Martha James – Plan research - on behalf of East Cowes Town Council
- IPSR83 Cllr Peter Spink - on my behalf as IW Councillor for Freshwater North and Yarmouth and for and on behalf of the Steering Group of the West Wight Villages Residents' Association
- IPSR84 Richard Holmes - BCM - for Sam Biles
- IPSR85 Richard Holmes- BCM- for Perry Properties
- IPSR86 Richard Holmes- BCM - for Susan Rann
- IPSR87 Richard Holmes-BCM- for West Oak Homes and Billings Group
- IPSR88 Richard Holmes - BCM - for MK Assets
- IPSR89 Hyacynth Cabiles- NHS Property Service (NHSPS)- for NHS Property Services
- IPSR90 Guy Robinson-Historic England
- IPSR91 Lucy Charman - Country Land & Business Association (CLA)
- IPSR92 Charlotte Stadden - Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
- IPSR93 Ugne Staskauskaite - Cushman and Wakefield on behalf of the MOJ
- IPSR94 David Long-BCM
- IPSR95 Iain Delaney – Captiva Homes
- IPSR96 Ben Campbell
- IPSR97 Phil Salmon Planning and development hub
- IPSR98 Christopher Scott Planning and development hub
- IPSR99 Mark Behrendt- Home builders Federation (HBF)
- IPSR100 Daniel Austen-Fainman- Tetlow King Planning- on behalf of Sovereign Network Group (SNG)
- IPSR101 Peter Canavan- Carter Jonas- For Wadham College
- IPSR102 Daniel James – Plan research
- IPSR103 Peter McGowan- New Forest District Council- on behalf of Tim Guymer New Forest District Council
- IPSR104 Jonathan Shavelar- Natural England
- IPSR105 Anne Lethbridge- Isle of Wight Council Public Health
- IPSR106 Justin Gentleman- Foreland Homes
- IPSR107 Tom Bell- Portsmouth City Council- Lucy Howard- Head of planning policy Portsmouth
- IPSR108 James Attrill-BCM
- IPSR109 David Laurence
- IPSR110 Cowes Town Council
All respondents have been sent an email from the council confirming their representor number and an update on the next steps.
The Programme Officer has contacted respondents with details of the Inspectors appointed.
The documents on this page are for reference and the examination process, and not all are produced by us so may not be fully accessible. If you need the documents in an alternative format, please contact the programme officer