Supplementary Planning Document consultations

Current Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultations

The Isle of Wight Council has recently consulted on two draft SPDs. 

Draft Health Contributions SPD

The Isle of Wight Council has recently consulted on the draft Health Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (PDF, 303KB). It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions.

The draft SPD outlines how the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) decide what improvements to health infrastructure may be needed in particular areas of the Island. These improvements would be for infrastructure only (e.g. new or extended health premises) and not health services (e.g. more GPs).

The document sets out how the ICB will use evidence relating to the following to calculate whether contributions are required:

  • the capacity of existing health facilities in an area
  • current patient list sizes
  • size and space standards for new health facilities
  • the cost of building new health facilities

The draft SPD then identifies how the amount of money a developer may have to pay towards these improvements is worked out and also what size of new development may have to pay.

Consultation document:

Consultation closed on Tuesday 2 April 2024.

Draft SuDS SPD

The Isle of Wight Council consulted on the Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems SPD (PDF, 2MB). It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions.

Sustainable Drainage Systems, or SuDS, are a way to manage surface water. They copy the way that rainwater drains in a natural landscape.

The draft SPD outlines the design principles required to deliver SuDS on the Isle of Wight. It provides advice on including SuDS within any new development.

This guidance is for practical use by those looking to develop at any scale. It is also for designers of surface water drainage systems.

The guide is relevant to all those involved in the new development, whether in:

  • master planning
  • design
  • approval
  • construction
  • maintenance

 It can be used by anyone looking to find out more about SuDS.

The SPD is intended to assist developers and property owners to deliver SuDS which:

  • prevent and reduce surface water flooding
  • have clear responsibilities for future maintenance and management
  • are appropriate to the island, its geology and hydrology
  • deliver social, environmental and financial benefits
  • aim to meet a range of sustainability and place-making objectives

Consultation documents:

Consultation closed on Friday 8 March 2024

What happens next

The Planning Service are reviewing the comments made. They will consider if any changes need to be made to the document.

The Draft SPD will then be taken to Cabinet on 9 May 2024 where Councillors will be asked to formally adopt the SPD.

If they are adopted:

  • the SPDs will be used as a material consideration when determining planning applications
  • the SuDS SPD will help deliver the many benefits of sustainable drainage systems on the Isle of Wight
  • the Health Contributions SPD will require development to make financial contributions towards new health facilities