LGA peer review report

LGA Peer Review

The Corporate Plan 2021-25 committed to holding a review of Planning Services. This was independently undertaken by the Local Government Association (LGA) in May 2022. The peer review report was published as a result.

The report set out a series of recommendations. These are broadly grouped into actions which will:

  • progress the local plan (Island Planning Strategy)
  • improve our pre-application advice offer 
  • improve our development management function (how we determine planning applications)
  • improve our enforcement function

Planning Services will take action to:

  • improve processes and planning outcomes
  • improve communication
  • improve community engagement
Progress is reviewed every quarter.

What we have achieved so far

laptop and hands with graphics of survey tick boxes in front of image

The backlog of applications has been addressed through added resources.

A “How did we do” survey has been added when applicants receive their decision notice.

A statement of Community Involvement was published and is available for anyone to access. 

Read the Statement of Community involvement

Pre-App booking page for Planning Agents and Architects Forum (PAAF) members.

Information and details about PAAF

What we are working on

people around a table of building plans with laptop, yellow hard hat and paper blue prints

We have drafted the Planning Customer Charter. It will be published soon.

The structure of the Planning Service is under review. We will keep you updated on any changes and the implications of these. 

What's coming up

hands holding a tablet of housing plan plots in blue on the screen with numbers

We are developing online learning resources for member and officers of  Local and Parish Councils. 

The training package for members of the Isle of Wight Council is being reviewed and updated. 

Web pages will include 'how to' guides and take customers through the process step by step. Questions will be answered, feedback reflected and helpful links and contacts provided at all stages in a user friendly and inclusive format.