Planning Agents and Architects Forum
Planning Agents and Architects Forum (PAAF)
PAAF has evolved from the previous Agent’s and Architects Forum. All professionals who submit planning applications to the Isle of Wight Council can attend.
Upcoming PAAF dates:
Friday 25 April 2025
- Time: 10am to 1pm
- Venue: Conference Room 5, County Hall, High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD
If you wish to be added to the PAAF mailing list, or to suggest future agenda items, please email
Our privacy notice sets out how we use your information.
Launch of the Pre-App Booking System for Professionals
Exciting News for PAAF Members!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new automated booking page, designed to make scheduling your pre-application advice sessions easier and more convenient than ever. This service allows you to book in-person consultations to discuss general aspects of planning applications. For more detailed inquiries, such as those related to listed building consent, we will guide you to our other specialised pre-application resources.
Our dedicated staff will be available on a rotating basis, ensuring you receive expert advice at your convenience. While specific officers cannot be requested, rest assured that all our team members are highly qualified to assist you. We will continuously monitor and improve this service to better meet your needs.
The Planning Agents and Architects forum (PAAF) has evolved from the previous Agent’s and Architects Forum run by the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce, which has not met following Covid-19 and the national lockdowns. The PAAF will be available to all professionals who submit planning applications to the Isle of Wight Council.
Overall Principles
The PAAF will act as the opportunity for the local planning authority (LPA) to share its knowledge and thinking with those who submit planning applications, for those who submit planning applications to put their views to the LPA and to allow a two-way discussion and knowledge sharing on these and relevant topics.
The PAAF shall be:
- held on a quarterly basis
- non-political in its discussion and debate
- an open, in person platform for discussion and debate on matters relevant to the determination of planning applications
Roles and Responsibilities
The PAAF shall be chaired by the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery or by a deputy they have appointed.
The Chair will ensure that all participants are given the opportunity to suggest agenda items for the forum to discuss.
All participants agree that if a matter has been noted, discussed and actions agreed it cannot be brought back to the forum without prior consent of the Chair.
The PAAF shall be administered by Isle of Wight Council staff.
The administrator shall:
- Take brief, accurate notes of the discussions.
- Circulate invitations to meetings, along with the agenda, notes of the previous PAAF and any additional supporting information to the PAAF forum members at least seven days in advance of each forum.
- Publish the meeting dates, minutes and agendas on the Isle of Wight Council’s website.
PAAF Members
PAAF Members shall:
- Arrive promptly in advance of the start time of each meeting.
- Always conduct themselves in a respectful manner to one another during the meeting.
- Indicate to the chair if they wish to speak and wait for the Chair to indicate it is their turn to speak.
- Not reference specific planning applications, to ensure the discussion does not become personal.
Previous PAAF meeting notes and links
- Introduction to the new Designing Out Crime Officer (DOCO) Secured by Design - spocdocolist
- National Planning Policy Framework GOV.UK updated on 12 December 2024
- Local List Requirements Consultation
- Isle of Wight Council PAAF member Pre-App booking page
- LGA Peer review update
- Small sites Metric User Guide
- Launch of the Pre-App Booking System for Professionals
- LGA Peer review update
- The Housing Market Position Statement has been updated particularly private gardens
- Local nature recovery strategy for reference
- Surveys and maps from Isle of Wight Local Nature Recovery Strategy
- Legal agreements
- Island Planning Strategy (IPS) update
- LGA Peer review update
- Local validation requirements
- Friday 3 May Forum notes (PDF, 119KB)
- Biodiversity Net Gain - Small Sites, learnings so far from large sites and thoughts on future
- IPS update Agenda for Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 6.00pm
- update on the progress of the Peer Review
- new duty holder responsibilities for agents and their clients in Building Control
- design and building work - meeting building requirements - GOV.UK
- Friday 9 February 2024 Forum notes (PDF, 129KB)
- Implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain
- Update on refresh of validation requirements: Nitrates and BNG metric
- LGA Peer Review updates
- Island Planning Strategy (IPS) update - to be determined by Full Council