Changing a planning permission

Can I change my plans once they are approved?

If planning has been granted, there are procedures to follow when you want to make changes to a planning permission. You can apply to change your planning permission for non-material or material minor amendments - this is also called 'variation of condition'.

If the changes you want to make are more substantial, then you will need to submit a new application. 

What is a non-material amendment?

A non-material amendment are changes that are very minor and do not materially alter the

  • size and scale of the building
  • size or scale of the building footprint
  • description of the development
  • red edge area of the application

This process only applies to planning permissions and no other forms of planning consents.

You can apply for a non-material amendment using a standard form on the Planning Portal.

You can include more than one change on the same application. However, the combined changes may result in the amendment being a material amendment.

What is a minor material amendment?

These are changes that are more significant than the non-material amendments described above. They are described as being changes whose scale and nature results in a development which is not substantially different from the one that has been approved. The changes will still need to be minor and may include changes to the building that result in small reductions to its scale, height or footprint but still not alter the description of the development or the red edged area of the application. Slight increases to the footprint or scale of buildings may be acceptable under this process but only where there is no impact upon neighbouring properties.

You can apply using a standard form on the Planning Portal - you will need to apply for a removal or variation of conditions following the grant of planning permission.

This may be referred to as a Section 73.

What happens next?

The officer dealing with the matter will decide whether any change is non-material or minor material.

There is no need to consult on these applications but in exceptional circumstances the case officer may decide that this is necessary.

You will be told in writing if your application has been approved or refused. A reason will be given in either case with a description of the changes.

This procedure cannot be used in respect of listed buildings.