About regeneration on the Island

The Isle of Wight Council launched its Regeneration Programme: “An Isle of Opportunities” on 20 July 2017. There is an ongoing ‘conversation’ consultation with Island residents: “The Wight We Want”.

The Council has established a Regeneration directorate to help regenerate the Island’s economy and transform the financial position of the Council. Using Council assets and working in partnership with the private sector, the initial programme has identified sites which, if delivered to their full potential, could bring in increased council tax, business rates and new homes bonus, as well as create up to 12,000 new jobs over a 10 year period.

The regeneration programme is being delivered in line with the council’s current related strategies and plans - in particular the Island Plan Core Strategy  

It complements the work currently underway on a One Public Estate bid for the Island working with other public sector partners including health police and fire on the development and more efficient use of all public land and buildings.

Just 10 minutes from mainland England, the Isle of Wight Council has very ambitious and achievable plans for the Island’s future growth and sustainability. This unique and proud community is reinvigorating itself, not only as the fabulous holiday destination that it’s been for centuries, but also as a viable lifestyle choice to live, work and invest.

Work has already begun on an exciting programme of regeneration for the Isle of Wight. Public sector land has been earmarked for development and concept design work has already been undertaken across a number of sites, demonstrating viable and exciting development opportunities.

The Isle of Wight Council is ready to identify our future development and investment partners to help turn our aspirations into reality. Partners to help deliver growth in the economy, raise the aspirations and opportunities for our future generations and build on the experience and knowledge of our world leading businesses.