Safeguarding Adults Board

top view of a board room table showing hands of people talking and their electronic devices on a wooden table

What is the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board?

The Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board (IOWSAB) provides strategic leadership for adult safeguarding and is a statutory requirement under the Care Act 2014.

The Board is a partnership between local organisations, working together to help safeguard adults with care and support needs.

The key functions and responsibilities of the IOWSAB

Coordination and oversight

The Board leads adult safeguarding arrangements across its locality, ensuring that local safeguarding practices are in place and effective.


It works collaboratively with various agencies, including the NHS, police, and social services, to prevent abuse and neglect and to respond effectively when they occur.

Strategic planning

The board develops and publishes a strategic plan outlining how it will meet its objectives and how member agencies will contribute.

Annual reporting

It publishes an annual report detailing the effectiveness of its work and safeguarding practices in the area.

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)

The Board commissions reviews for cases where an adult with care and support needs has died or been seriously harmed due to abuse or neglect.

Promoting Best Practices

The board promotes a culture of continuous improvement in safeguarding practices, ensuring they are person-centred, and outcome focused.

Find out more about the IOWSAB, or to get help, visit adult safeguarding and report a concern.