Learning disability and autism strategy feedback
We would like to hear from people with learning disabilities and autism about your experiences with our services and the community on the island. Your feedback will help us to refresh our local strategies.
The Isle of Wight Autism Partnership Board and Learning Disability Partnership Group want to improve your lives, help you be heard, stay safe, and feel confident to be an active part of the community. They also want you to be involved in service planning.
The two previous strategies for learning disabilities and autism spectrum condition have finished. They are undergoing review against local needs and national policies. They are:
- Living well with a learning disability on the Isle of Wight strategy (2018 – 2021)
- Isle of Wight joint strategy for children, young people, and adults with Autism Spectrum Condition strategy (2014 -2019).
Our partners
To capture your feedback, we have produced a survey with our local partners:
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
- People Matter IW
- Healthwatch
- Isle of Wight NHS Trust
- Autism Inclusion Matters.
The survey
Our survey aims to find out about the experiences you have had with adult social care services on the Island and what can be improved. Please complete the survey below.
If you would like support to complete this survey, contact:
- People Matter IW - if you have a learning disability, call 01983 685348. The service will arrange a call back. You can also access easy read and large format surveys on their website
- Autism Inclusion Matters (AIM) - if you are an autistic person, you can email support@aimisleofwight.co.uk, or text or WhatsApp to 07498 500607.
If you have any questions about the survey, or require a printed version, contact jessica.entwistle1@nhs.net. Paper copies are also available from our libraries or County Hall.