Affordability to rent

Capacity and demand

  • average yearly earnings : £38.38K
  • average rent : £900.12
  • percentage of income spent on housing: 28.14%
  • Total number of properties (based on 3 years market data from Rightmove): 3033

Affordability of rented accommodation - all sizes

The map of the Isle of Wight shows the areas of the Island and the affordability of all accommodation sizes.

Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.

map where most areas are red, a few are dark orange, a few are amber and a few are yellow. Only two areas are green.

Affordability of rented accommodation - 1 bedroom

The map shows the affordability of single bedroom properties within areas of the Island.

Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.

map - there is 1 red area, 1 amber area, a few yellow areas and many green areas. Areas grey have no data for 1 bed

Affordability of rented accommodation - 2 bedroom

The map shows the affordability of two bedroom properties within areas of the Island.

Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.

map -  with green, amber and yellow areas the same, and fewer dark orange and red areas.

Affordability of rented accommodation - 3 bedroom 

The map shows the affordability of three bedroom properties within areas of the Island.

Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.

map Most areas are red, a few are dark orange and a few are amber. There are no green or yellow areas.

Affordability of rented accommodation - 4 bedroom 

The map shows the affordability of four bedroom properties within areas of the Island.

Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.

map Most areas are red, a few are dark orange and a few are amber. There are no green or yellow areas.

Affordability of rented accommodation - 5 or more bedroom

The map shows the affordability of five or more bedroom properties within areas of the Island.

Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.

Map with red areas of not affordable and grey areas no available

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Telephone: 01983 821000

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