Affordability to rent
Capacity and demand
- average yearly earnings : £38.38K
- average rent : £900.12
- percentage of income spent on housing: 28.14%
- Total number of properties (based on 3 years market data from Rightmove): 3033
Affordability of rented accommodation - all sizes
The map of the Isle of Wight shows the areas of the Island and the affordability of all accommodation sizes.
Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.
Affordability of rented accommodation - 1 bedroom
The map shows the affordability of single bedroom properties within areas of the Island.
Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.
Affordability of rented accommodation - 2 bedroom
The map shows the affordability of two bedroom properties within areas of the Island.
Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.
Affordability of rented accommodation - 3 bedroom
The map shows the affordability of three bedroom properties within areas of the Island.
Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.
Affordability of rented accommodation - 4 bedroom
The map shows the affordability of four bedroom properties within areas of the Island.
Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.
Affordability of rented accommodation - 5 or more bedroom
The map shows the affordability of five or more bedroom properties within areas of the Island.
Each area has a colour, red being unaffordable on one end of the scale, and green being affordable at the other end of the scale.
Housing Position Statement
Affordability – to buy
Housing Register
Support available for people developing housing
Opportunities to access council land for development
Contact information
Telephone: 01983 821000
Contact us if you require this information in a different format.