Support provided through this fund
Pan Together, Newport - £25,000
Pan Together have been funded £25,000 to provide an Islandwide service assisting residents in need with initial support and form filling. The funding is to be used to support the operational costs only of the Recipient in delivering the following activities for providing wellbeing, personal support and direct provisions to residents who are struggling through poverty and the cost-of-living needs:
- Wellbeing – social contact, providing reassurance, welfare check-ins, suicide prevention, advice & guidance, healthy eating and living.
- Practical Needs - including shopping budgeting and provisions support, financial advice & guidance (signposting to appropriate support where necessary), supporting people and families to become self-sustaining and take better control of their lives.
- Develop sustainable models of support through the funding to maximise funding and support to aide their local community.
Ryde Town Council, Ryde - £10,000
An amount of £10,000 has been granted to Ryde Town Council to establish an information centre operating from Ryde Library. The service will provide basic information and support to residents as well as assistance to complete forms and sign-post enquiries requiring more specialised advice, as relevant. The service is available to all Island residents requiring cost-of-living support.
Community Action, Newport - £41,561.76
Action have received £41,561.76 to pay for the provision of a support role
working with the Island’s Community Pantry network to look at ways of working,
and sourcing funding in addition to the Department for Work and Pensions’
Household Support Fund. The grant will support the role for 12-months.