Community support

General help and support

Living Well and Early Help, Isle of Wight can help you and signpost about worries about your living conditions, housing and care needs, transport needs, debt. 

Call 01983 240732

Action 4 Support, West Wight run a number of projects.

  • Weekly community market with drop and swap table - reuse, save money and be part of a supportive community. If you need things but don't have anything to swap, you can still use the drop and swap
  • Family bags of donated food, toys, clothes, games and books
  • 1-1 support for anyone needing help or advice. For example; form filling, cooking, and other things
  • Signposting to other organisations
  • Works closely with the care -coordinator and social prescriber in the West Wight.

Network Independent Job Club, in Ventnor Library. Offers free internet access, employment and c.v. advice, IT skills, interview coaching. 

Ventnor Community Shed is open to all. It provides a safe space for arts, crafts, woodworking and gardening in its workshop and garden at St. Boniface Field. 

Ventnor Town Council’s Community Centre provides a space for many health and wellbeing activities. Free room hire for community groups and the voluntary sector.

Safe and Well, Isle of Wight Fire service home safety visits.
Call 023 8062 6751

Isle of Wight Age UK provide a number of services
Call 01983 525282

  • a home help service available to any Island resident over 18, charged at £17.40 per hour. 
  • For socially isolated residents over 50, a volunteer service providing; befriending in person or phone, out and about.

  • Support provided via community drop-in sessions, group classes, individual support (via home visits or online calls). Some support is free, some is charged.

  • Provides one off and ongoing support to: access the internet, fill out online forms, use devices and apps, send and receive emails, online banking

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service have some very useful information about looking after yourselves safely this winter. 

Healthwatch Isle of Wight is an independent consumer champion that delivers statutory services. They provide information, advice and signposting for all health, wellbeing and social care services.

Healthy Lifestyles, Isle of Wight provide smoking and weight management services. 
Call 01983 642369

Pan Together, Newport supports and provides a community hub for the residents of East Newport.
Call: 01983 248170

Their purpose-built community centre provides the following:

  • A community cafe open from 9 am to 3 pm Tuesday to Friday. It provides freshly prepared, wholesome food whilst also acting as a social hub for Pan and providing signposting and support.
  • An IT room with eight computer stations and free Wi-fi, which people can drop in to use when the room isn't being rented out. Free drop-in IT support sessions every Wednesday 9am to 3 pm, no booking required.
  • Bingo nights on the second Thursday of each month from 6.30 pm to 9 pm. Entrance is 50p; £4.50 per bingo book. Everyone is welcome.
  • Two community rooms which are available to hire as well as a training kitchen with six work stations.
  • An outside space for growing produce.
  • Every Tuesday during term time, the Adult Community Learning team run free Maths and English classes.

1Leisure is the Isle of Wight’s number one place to train, workout and achieve your fitness goals. There are three leisure centres in Newport, Sandown and Ryde that can all be used with one membership. Get more information on the 1Leisure website. 

Mental health support

The Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Support Hub

The Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Support Hub provides advice and support for Islanders.

Ventnor Wellbeing Cafe 

The Green Room, Salisbury Gardens. 

The group meets three times a week and provides a safe space for people with anxiety, are socially isolated or have mental health problems. Members decide on the activities. These include an allotment, crafts, outdoor activities and trips. On Friday members prepare lunch. The Café is a self-help group and does not require a formal referral.

Call 077916378

Isorropia Foundation

Isorropia Foundation is a mental wellbeing organisation that works with adults. It supports them to become aware of their mental wellbeing and other needs. The aim is to give people the power to reconnect with meaning and purpose in their lives. This is done via group work. You can self-refer. 

Call: 01983 217791


Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community that offers free, anonymous and safe support. 

Families with children and young people

The Family Information Hub is an online directory of organisations, services and activities available to you and your family.

Barnardos, Isle of Wight offer support and guidance to parents of children aged 0-19. They include information and advice and signposting to other services as part of the Supporting Families programme.
Call: 01983529209

Home-Start IOW Provides practical help and emotional support for families with at least one child under 5 years.
Call: 01983 533357

Baby Box Isle of Wight is a local community project & charity providing nappies, baby food, clothing and other essentials to families across the Island. You do not need a referral. 
Call: 07850 263477, message on Facebook or email

Tidal Family Support provides food parcels and toiletries to individuals and families who are in need, but not necessarily accessing additional provision or support. Walk in, self-referral service and there is no need for vouchers. You do not need to be on benefits.
Call 01983 639793

Isle of Wight Youth Trust support young people through difficult times.

Mountbatten Isle of Wight support young people and families after the death of a loved one.

Other support

Shared Lives

Shared Lives provides care for adults who want to live independently but within a support network of family and community. It's an alternative to other supported living or residential care.  You can find out more about how Shared Lives works on their web pages


Wightcare is a 24 hours a day response service that give you and the people you love peace of mind. 

Vectis Radio podcast

Tune into the Cost of Living podcast on Vectis Radio.