HSF projects - work so far

UK government crest and words 'Funded by UK Government'

Organisations that received HSF funding previously

The organisations listed below received funding to deliver support in previous grant rounds. Contact them directly to find out if they are still able to help you.

IW Carers

What is on offer?

Support to unpaid carers on the Island is available through the IW Carers charity to support with essential clothing items, travel, medical equipment promoting independence and kitchen appliances that will help to reduce energy costs.

Contact IW Carers on 01983 533173 or info@carersiw.org.uk


What is on offer?

Pensioners already supported by Age UK or those requesting support will be provided with hygiene packs to assist with essential items such as incontinence products, soap and wipes.

Who is eligible?

Island residents of pensionable age can request support if you are not already supported by the charity.

Contact Age UK by telephone: 01983 525282

Aspire Ryde

What is on offer?

Working alongside Two Saints, Aspire Ryde will be supporting rough sleepers, those that are sofa-surfing or at risk of homelessness with a daily provision of hot meals and hot drinks. They will also be supporting them with thermos flasks, a camping cooker and warm clothes in emergency situations, along with washing powder, oral hygiene packs, shower facilities and personal hygiene items.

Aspire Ryde will be running a community kitchen that will continue to assist those in need with a warm meal and a hot drink on a twice-weekly basis. They would also like to provide twice-weekly cookery sessions for groups of up to 4 people using conventional ovens, microwaves and pan hob cooking. Meals will be taken home by participants.

The ‘Wheels2Work’ scheme hires electric bikes out to members of the public requiring transport to interviews, education or work. The bikes can be hired on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Delivery of several forms of support over the winter months including 400 precooked frozen meals to individuals unable to cook for themselves, in addition to 100 precooked frozen meals to families in need, ensuring they have a good quality, nutritionally balanced meal each day. They will also provide 100 hampers, with a value of £20 each, containing essential items such as food, toiletries, sanitary products and essential household items. Their warm space will offer a hot drink and meal one day per week over the winter period to around 30 residents which will run alongside the provision of their Bags of Warmth scheme which would see 100 residents provided with items such as hats, gloves, thermal mug and hot water bottle helping to benefit recipients not only this winter but over winter for several years.

Providing a series of 10 sessions on how to make your own baby food. Blender and other equipment also provided. Delivered from their central hub in Ryde.

Offering a course of cookery sessions showing how to make healthy meals using a slow cooker. All ingredients and slow cooker provided. Delivered from their central hub in Ryde.

Aspire Ryde have successfully applied for £2,500 for their Cookery Together programme. Offering a series of cookery classes at their Dover Street premises, targeting parents and their children facing financial hardship. This will both immediate benefit, long-term assistance, and quality family time.

Aspire Ryde have been funded £4,000 to deliver a scheme assisting financially vulnerable households living in rural communities primarily around Ryde. Proving twice-weekly transport to the Dover Street premises in Ryde, residents will be provided with a two-course Community Lunch and transport returning to their village.

Contact Aspire Ryde by telephone:  01983 716020

Baby Box

What is on offer?

Offering Island households essential items such as baby formula, food nappies and clothes.

The BabyBox Charity have been awarded a further £10,000 to support residents across the Island in need with essential baby items such as nappies, baby formula and milk in addition to items such as nursery furniture, changing mats and toys. Items for toddlers and maternity wear are also available.

Contact Baby Box by email: babyboxiow@gmail.com

Breakfast in the Bay

What is on offer?

Providing breakfast essentials to school for pupils in need, in addition to food packages during school holiday periods. Available in Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor.

Bridges at the Apex Church

What is on offer?

A series of cookery sessions teaching how to cook on a budget in Cowes. Food will be provided along with the recipe cards. 

Contact Bridges by email: bridges@theapexchurch.org or call 07859 365586

Community Rail Partnership

What is on offer?

Delivering food boxes and hot meals to those that can’t access the gaslight café Lunch Club. The Café lunch club has also been funded in Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor.

Community Rail Partnership successfully applied for £20,000 to continue their Food on the Move programme, delivering non-perishable food parcels to households in crisis located in the Sandown, Shanklin, Ventnor and Newport areas of the Island. Helping around 105 households each week with essential food and signposting to other support organisations.

Contact Community Rail Partnership by telephone: 07595 670101

Community Spirited

What is on offer?

Providing struggling households in East Cowes with food parcels, clothes and shoes, heat retaining products such as fleece blankets and draught excluders in addition to slow cookers, air fryers, soup /smoothie makers and microwave appliances, alongside cookery sessions to help them use the equipment and fresh fruit and vegetables to use at home. They will also provide females of menstrual age with hygiene packs and run a bereavement support group to support recently bereaved residents become self-sufficient and reduce costs. Identified residents will also receive a series of community pantry vouchers.

From their base at Parkside Pavilion in East Cowes, Community Spirited will be delivering two tutorial sessions toa total of 30 financially vulnerable residents in the area on how to use small kitchen appliances, such as soup makers. Each household attending will be provided with the appliance along with a weekly supply of fresh fruit and vegetables provided by an Island greengrocer.

Contact Community Spirited by telephone: 01983 296592

Cowes Town Council

What is on offer?

Providing food vouchers to residents living in Cowes. Application needed.

Contact Cowes Town Council by telephone: 01983 209022

Daisy Chains

What is on offer?

Assisting financially vulnerable families of pre-term infants or children with a long-term or life-threatening illness or disability with the cost of ferry travel to the mainland and helping some of those families with an air-fryer for a quick, healthy meal on return from their travel.

The Charity provides a Christmas hamper, containing essential food items, hats, scarves and fluffy socks to the families they work with.

Contact Daisy Chains by telephone: 07801 424645

Dover Park Primary School

What is on offer?

Purchasing weather appropriate clothing that can be used in school by pupils who turn up without appropriate provisions in Ryde. 

Contact Dover Park Primary School by email: office@doverparkpri.iow.sch.uk

Footprint Trust

Supporting vulnerable residents across the Island, Footprint Trust have been awarded £59,220 to provide energy reduction guidance either via telephone, face to face or by carrying out home visits, assisting those in need with energy efficient white goods, small tangible items such as thermal curtains and draught excluders or heating / hot water items including boiler repairs.

Friends Hotel

What is on offer?

Providing a Christmas dinner to those placed at the hotel over the Christmas period In Sandown.

Contact Friends Hotel Tel: 01983 403429

Green IOW

What is on offer:

Offering cookery sessions aimed at cooking on a budget where small kitchen appliances such as an air fryer will be issued following the lesson. Home visits are available to discuss energy saving techniques.

Drop in advice clinics are being run in community buildings.

Contact Green IOW by telephone: 07725 999487

IW Learning Zone

What is on offer?

Supporting families who electively home educate their children with cookery sessions, teaching them to cook healthy, affordable meals and provide fruit and vegetables for them to use at home, along with a bean-bag ‘wonder bag’ cooking utensil. A swap-shop will also be established allowing these families to swap clothes and shoes.

The IW Learning Zone that meets at the pavilion at Victoria Recreation Ground in Newport every Tuesday have been awarded £6,000 to provide financially vulnerable households that home educate their children with hampers of fresh fruit and vegetables. Looking to support around 80 households, the support will be available for the next few months.

Contact IW Learning Zone by email: Iwlearningzone@outlook.com

Isle of Wight College

What is on offer?

Multiple week community pantry vouchers are provided to those in receipt of Free College Meals. Emergency food and hygiene packs will be provided to vulnerable students.

The Isle of Wight College have been awarded £1,280 to support Free College Meal students with hygiene packs assisting with personal hygiene discussions and support. These packs will also include washing up liquid, washing powder and sun cream.

Contact Isle of Wight College by telephone: 01983 526631

IW Youth Trust

IW Youth Trust have been successful in applying for £2,000 to assist the young people they support, and their families with hygiene & sanitary products. The funding should help around 100 households.

Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council

What is on offer?

Renewing their food voucher scheme, providing a voucher to vulnerable residents in Newport & Carisbrooke that are not eligible for a centrally issued voucher.

Contact Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council by email: clerk@newportwight.org.uk

Newport Congregational Church

What is on offer?

Extending the heat hub provision and kindness cupboard, providing food hampers, hygiene packs and warm clothing. The Living on the Veg project run in conjunction with the neighbouring Catholic Church will also be expanded over the winter months.

To further the support currently provided, we have awarded £10,000 to Newport Congregational Church to help them continue running their heat hub which provides hot meals to those in need whilst offering a warm, space place for social interaction. We have also continued funding of their hope packs which provide hygiene essentials to those in need, and their kindness cupboard offering cupboard essentials to residents in financial crisis.

Contact Newport Congregational Church by telephone: 07300 329610

Northwood Parish Council

What is on offer?

£50 ALDI vouchers are available to residents in need living in Northwood - application needed.

Operating a weekly warm welcome space from Northwood Parish Hall, Northwood Parish Council have been awarded £2,009.70 to support 40 residents with either a heated throw or a wheat bag, helping to reduce the need for heating to be turned on.

Oakfield CE Primary School

What is on offer:

Providing breakfast to children in receipt of Pupil Premium. Also offering a selection of winter coats, air fryers and £25 community pantry vouchers to eligible households in Ryde. 

Contact Oakfield CE Primary School by telephone: 01983 563732


Osel work to support adult residents with learning difficulties.  The have requested funding of £10,677 to assist financially vulnerable residents they work with to teach cookery, provide warm clothing or weather appropriate items.  They have identified 38 residents to receive this support, and have also requested funding for a fridge and freezer (appropriate for those they work with) to store the ingredients appropriately ahead of their cooking sessions, in addition to a microwave, washing machine and food mixer.

Ryde Town Council

What is on offer?

Providing food vouchers to eligible residents in Ryde via an application process.

Contact Ryde Town Council by telephone: 01983 811105

Sandown Town Council

What is on offer?

Supporting three warm spaces in the area with funding for food and refreshments in Sandown. 

Sandown Town Council have been awarded £6,000 to support three warm welcome spaces in The Bay area. This funding will help the warm-welcome spaces to provide refreshments for those attending.

Contact Sandown Town Council by telephone: 01983 408287

Sensory Space

What is on offer?

Providing food and hygiene hampers. Evidence of DLA is required.

Sensory Space CIC applied for funding to support families of disabled children with appropriate clothing items. The organisation will be providing £40 vouchers for clothing stores that cater for children with disabilities to 100 families.

Contact Sensory Space by telephone: 07773 570505

Southern Housing Group

Working in partnership with both SNG (formerly Sovereign Housing) and The Footprint Trust, Southern Housing will be running a one-off cookery session for 72 housing association tenants (12 different residents attending each week for 6-weeks), teaching them how to cook budget meals use an air-fryer and providing a £100.00 hamper of fresh produce and the air fryer, which will help to reduce the ongoing energy costs of those households.

Sovereign Network Group

What is on offer?

Supporting the Community Pantry network by providing funding for 6 weeks membership to 156 members across the Island, at a cost of £10 per member helping to provide sustainability to the pantries as well as support their residents. Also providing energy saving packs including window film, draught excluders and lightbulbs along with advice from their Energy Outreach Project Officers. An additional 78households are able to receive a warm pack including hot water bottles and thermal socks.

Contact Sovereign Network Group by telephone: 0300 500 0926

St Helens Community Centre

What is on offer?

A community fridge will be established in the St Helens village to help reduce food waste and the community centre will also expand their warm space coffee afternoons to provide light lunches.


Providing IW College students, eligible for Free College Meals with weekly food packs, approved by nutritionists. These packs will provide an evening meal for students after a day at college.

SupperReady have been awarded £17,830.89 to provide food packs for Island students in receipt of Free College Meals. These packs contain three balanced nutritious meals each week for eligible students attending Isle of Wight College, UKSA, Platform One or CECAMM.

Contact SupperReady by email: team@supperready.com


What is on offer?

Cooking classes for young people aged 11-18yrs with their parents and siblings in Ventnor. Ingredients are delivered to each participating house and the lessons undertaken via zoom.

Contact SWAY by telephone: 07552 236067

Two Saints

What is on offer?

Providing start-up packs to Island residents who have been moved back in independent living accommodation following homelessness. Packs include a bed, beddings, microwave, cutlery and crockery among other items.

Supporting rough sleepers across the Island with items such as a tent, sleeping bag, bus tickets, launderette tokens, a mobile phone in addition to food grab bags and ID applications and items to help if emergency accommodation is provided.

Two Saints New Homes

Homeless residents that are moving on from supported living accommodation to independent living can apply for assistance through Two Saints who have been awarded £29,793.75 to provide items such as a bed, bedding, towels, crockery and cutlery which will help to get them settled in their new accommodation. Around 25 households will benefit from the scheme.

Two Saints Personal Budget

Around 150 rough sleepers can benefit from a share of £29,447.25 through the supply of items such as tents, sleeping bags, bus tickets, mobile phones and ID applications along with launderette tokens and food grab bags.

Contact Two Saints by telephone: 07725 413576

Two Saints Pantry vouchers

Two Saints have requested 100 x £5 Community Pantry vouchers for each of the cohorts they are supporting; those that are rough sleepers and those that are moving on to independent living


Vectis Housing

Vectis Housing have applied for £4,600 to provide warm packs to 20 of their residents. These packs will consist of items such as hot water bottles, blankets, hats and gloves and seasonal clothing. They will also be working in partnership with The Footprint Trust to provide a cookery session for 10 households who will be taught how to cook on a budget using an air fryer, and get to take the air fryer home. Through their own funding pot, they will also be provided with a £50 supermarket voucher. In addition to this, 20 households will be provided with a Community Pantry voucher helping to ease the pressures on their weekly shopping bill.

Ventnor Community Playgroup

Ventnor Community Playgroup have received £920 to support financially vulnerable children attending their playgroup with fresh fruit and vegetables in their breaks. Some of the families of these children will also receive a fresh food parcel twice per week to increase consumption of fruit and vegetables in the home. A total of 23 households should benefit from this support.

Ventnor Foodbank

What is on offer?

Funding has been provided to help meet demand, through the purchasing of food, toiletries, and sanitary products in Ventnor. 

Ventnor Foodbank have been awarded £5,000 to purchase food, hygiene and household essentials to further support residents in need. There is no referral needed to use the foodbank in Ventnor, any Island resident in need is welcome to attend.

Contact Ventnor Foodbank by telephone: 07862 247694

Ventnor Town Council

What is on offer?

Providing food vouchers to residents living in Ventnor. Application needed.

Contact Ventnor Town Council by telephone: 07932 890679

Wellbeing Café, Ventnor

We have awarded the Wellbeing Café in Ventnor with £1500 to provide twice-weekly healthy 2-course meal to its attendees. Members will be encouraged to help plan meals and recipes to encourage them to replicate the meals at home.

Westridge Adult Learning

What is on offer?

Any adult learners attending a course, can take a free meal bag if required. Toiletries and sanitary products are also supplied.

< p>Contact Westridge Adult learning by telephone: 01983 817280

West Wight Timebank

What is on offer?

Offering households in the West Wight a weekly delivery of food using rescued food, and a monthly hygiene package. Families are identified via a referral process.

Contact West Wight Timebank by telephone on: 07872 304294

Wroxall Woolies

What is on offer?

Knitting items such as blankets and warm items for residents at an Island care home. Funding has also been granted to purchase food for the warm space in Wroxall.

Contact Wroxall Woolies by telephone: 01983 854219

Wroxall Food Bank

What is on offer?

Funds provided to help with the demand for food at the village food bank.

Receiving £3,000 to top-up provisions which will help support those in the village receive crisis food.

Contact Wroxall Food Bank by telephone: 07443 569577

Wroxall Parish Council

What is on offer?

Supporting 47 households in the community with a range of food, hygiene and warm items made into hampers dependent on the resident’s individual need.


What is on offer?

Assisting new residents with a moving-in pack including items such as a duvet, pillows, bedding, baby toiletries etc. They will also be providing in-house cookery sessions along with the ingredients to their residents.

YMCA, Winchester House

Supporting their residents with a series of cookery lessons, YMCA have been granted £2,926 to teach those living at Winchester House with budgeting, shopping for ingredients and cooking healthy meals, helping them support themselves and their children.

Contact YMCA by telephone: 01983 862441

You Trust

The You Trust have requested funding of £5,390 to help two separate cohorts within those they are working with. Some of the funding will be used to provide essential items to those fleeing domestic violence. These packs will include items such as washing powder, cleaning products, shoes, wellington boots etc. for both adults and children. They would also like to provide a support package of items such as saucepans, towels, and bedding to those clients moving on to their own properties. In addition, they have requested £30 Community Pantry vouchers for 30 of their clients. A total of 44 different households will be helped with this funding.