Raising a domestic abuse concern

If you know of anyone who is in immediate danger, injured, or a crime is being committed, call 999 now.

If it is not an emergency, but you need to raise a concern for a person's safety, we have separate, specialised services available for raising domestic abuse and safeguarding concerns for both children and adults. We will also provide you with information and community service contacts available.

If you are worried that a friend, neighbour, loved one or yourself could be a victim of domestic abuse, call Paragon on 0800 234 6266 or email paragoniow@theyoutrust.org.uk to report your concern.

Read our domestic abuse referral pathway (PDF, 328KB) flowchart for more important information you need to know.

Concern for a child

If you are concerned about a child, raise a concern. You can also contact our domestic abuse service with Paragon. Call 0800 234 6266 or email paragoniow@theyoutrust.org.uk

Parents, schools, and Health Professionals can also refer to Paragon.

Our children’s and young person’s worker is experienced in working with children and young people. They can support them wherever the child and parent are most comfortable.

Concern for an adult

If you are concerned for yourself or another adult, you can raise a concern by contacting Paragon. See their local support and services available.

Visit our domestic abuse pages for more information. 

Key service contacts