Are you emergency ready?

5 steps to prepare for an emergency

backpack on a table with emergency supplies such as water, credit cards, keys and emergency contact list

Step 1: Make a grab bag

Pack a bag in case you need to leave your property at short notice.

Keep it where it is easy to find. 

Essentials to include

  • torch (battery or wind up)
  • emergency contacts (written on paper)
  • medicine you might need
  • important documents (like home insurance and copies of your ID)
  • non-perishable food
  • money and credit cards
  • pet food
  • mobile phone charger
  • battery or wind up radio
  • bottled water

Other items you might need

  • clothing and blankets
  • children’s toys and games
  • toiletries
  • spare car and house keys
  • spare batteries
  • first aid kit

Step 2: Write a household emergency plan

A household emergency plan will help you prepare your household for emergencies. Make sure everyone knows about the plan and how to use it. 

It should include:

  • contact numbers
  • details on isolating your gas, electricity and water
  • sources of information and advice

Use the household emergency plan template to write your plan

Step 3: Sign up for emergency alerts

Step 5: Join the Priority Services Register if you are eligible

Utility companies keep a register of customers who may need additional support in a utility outage.

This called the Priority Services Register (PSR).

You may be eligible to join if, for example:

  • you use medical equipment reliant on electricity or water
  • you are of state pension age
  • have a disability
  • have young children
  • have additional communication, access or safety needs

If you are eligible: