Area reports and other data resources

Area reports 

The following data resources can be useful to provide a summary of an area’s overall population health. These reports can be used to identify potential topics or themes that may be better, worse, not changing or not improving when compared to England. The JSNA can then be used to focus on these themes or topics to understand these better and what the potential drivers of inequalities are in small areas.

Health trends in England 

This report is produced by the Department of Health & Social Care and presents information about the health of people in England and how it has changed over time. Topics presented include risk factors, disease prevalence and outcomes. Data is presented for the whole of England and regions.

Public Health Outcomes Framework District Reports 

 Produced by the Office of Health Improvements and Disparities (OHID), these reports are available at an upper tier local authority level and district level and provide a concise overview of all the indicators presented in the Public Health Outcomes Framework, comparing each area to England. CIPFA neighbours can also be chosen as a comparator. It is also important to explore the trends for the indicators.

This link allows you to view or download an area’s report and also explore the data

Local Health 

Produced by OHID, Local Health allows the user to explore a large number of health-related indicators at a small geographic level. The user can then compare, map, and export the analysis for further use.

Reports can be downloaded for many geographic areas and users can also define their own area profiles by combining small areas. Areas where possible are compared to England.

Reports for the Isle of Wight, and NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG (2021) have been downloaded on 30 July 2024 and will be refreshed January 2025.

Data Resources 

This section provides links to other nationally produced data sources which may complement the JSNA.

Public Health Profiles: Fingertips

Fingertips is a large public health data collection. Data is organised into themed profiles. Start by choosing a profile from the list.

SHAPE –Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE)

Online and interactive data mapping, analysis and insight tool that supports service planning and estates strategy development. 

Lots of data available including demographic factors; environment such as risk of flooding and pollution levels; and access.

Useful for travel time analysis (walk, public transport and drive).

Can view different geographical boundaries.

Health Inequalities Dashboard

This tool has been developed to present evidence of health inequalities in England. Measures of inequality are provided for key indicators to monitor progress on reducing inequalities within England. For some indicators, inequality measures are also provided within regions, and upper tier local authorities. More local level measures will be added to the dashboard over time.

Segment tool

This tool provides information on the causes of death and age groups that are driving inequalities in life expectancy at local area level. Targeting the causes of death which contribute most to the life expectancy gap should have the biggest impact on reducing inequalities.

SPOTLIGHT: Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes

Spotlight is a data dissemination platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.

The aim of Spotlight is to improve accessibility and visibility of data and evidence related to inclusion health populations. Data have been selected for inclusion based on validity, reliability, and relevance of the original source.

PANSI – Projecting Adult Needs and Service Information

Focused on the population aged 18-64 years old. Prevalence rates from research have been used to estimate the impact of: learning disability, including living with a parent, Down's syndrome, challenging behaviour, autistic spectrum disorders; moderate or serious physical disability including personal care, stroke, diabetes, visual impairment and hearing impairment; mental health problems including depression, neurotic, personality and psychotic disorders, drugs and alcohol, suicide, adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and early onset dementia.

POPPI – Projecting Older People Population Information

The same tool as PANSI but developed for 65+ population to estimate projected numbers of older people by; those living alone, living in care home, provision of unpaid care, their ability to carry out domestic tasks and self care.

Census 2021 data resources

Build a custom profile

Can select areas at ward area to build a custom profile


Visualise the data at different geographies by scrolling in and out of the map

Topic summaries

Set of data and supporting information by theme

Themes: demography and migration; UK armed forces veterans; ethnic group, national identity; Welsh language; labour market and travel to work; housing; sexual orientation and gender identify; education; and health, disability and unpaid care

How life has changed between 2011 and 2021

This allows you to pick a Unitary Authority/Upper Tier Local Authority and explore the change across the two time periods in areas such as population structure, family, disability, health and unpaid leave

Explore local statistics - ONS

Find, compare and visualise statistics about places in the United Kingdom. Users can search for a postcode, local authority, region, parliamentary constituency or other named area.

A video has been developed to show how users can explore local statistics


Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health (WICH) monitoring tool

Designed to allow you to explore the indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population’s health and wellbeing.

Data available on grocery purchasing and food usage, social determinants of health, behavioural risk factors, impact on healthcare, air quality, life expectancy, mortality, impact of COVID measures.

COVID-19 Health Inequalities Monitoring for England (CHIME) tool

The CHIME tool brings together data relating to the impacts of COVID-19, for factors such as mortality rates, hospital admissions, confirmed cases, vaccinations and life expectancy.