JSNA information - previous years

Archive JSNA 2013-2019

This dashboard has been created to offer key data and information about all electoral wards across a variety of subject categories.

Please note: Currently, the information is presented under the old electoral wards. As the new wards have only just been instated, the data that we currently have is not yet for the new boundaries so please interpret with caution.

When new data is released, primarily from the Census, this will be presented under the new ward boundaries.

Ward Information Packs


Download and print off a map of the Isle of Wight Ward and Locality boundaries: MAP Wards to Localities 2021 (PDF, 422KB, 1 page).


Information on the demography of an area such as the age structure, gender and ethnicity profile of its population is essential in better understanding an area, its needs and assets. It is vital in the delivery of services like education, transport, and healthcare.

Understanding trends and nuances around sparsely and densely populated areas helps us to better understand the current situation. It can help to inform future requirements.

This section brings together information on population, household composition and trends. Which can be used to inform the delivery of services across the Isle of Wight both by the Council and other local organisations.

Demographics and Population Power BI report 2018/19 - Published February 2020

This Power BI report offers an insight into the population of the Isle of Wight. It includes:

  • the geography of the Island,
  • latest population estimates (including age bands and gender split),
  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • migration,
  • population trends, 
  • population projections.

Equality & Diversity

The Isle of Wight Council is required by law to publish the data it collects on the protected characteristics of its workforce, and its community. The Local Government Equality Duty (as set out in the Equality Act 2010) has set a clear expectation. It is expected each year the data collected by local authorities is refreshed and published. This means the local community has access to this information.

The nine protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are:

  1. gender,
  2. race,
  3. age,
  4. disability,
  5. sexual orientation,
  6. marriage and civil partnership,
  7. pregnancy/maternity,
  8. religion or belief, 
  9.  gender reassignment.

One of the key features of the island is that the numbers of our older population are higher than across our comparators. The Island is also less ethnically diverse than in other regions. You may find other interesting features here. As well as the challenges we sometimes face to capture information to give a current and in depth picture of our whole community.

Equality and Diversity Power BI report - Published February 2020

This Power BI report explores the Island’s ‘diversity’. The characteristics of diversity (as defined in the Equality Bill 2010) on the Isle of Wight are discussed, including; Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Religion, Disability, Transgender Status, Sexual Orientation and Pregnancy & Maternity, as well as Marriage & Civil Partnerships.

Isle of Wight Council Workforce Profile provides a detailed breakdown of the equality and diversity make-up of the Isle of Wight Council workforce.

Census 2011

The 2011 Census forms were completed in March 2011. They currently provide information that is being used to produce population estimates for the country. As well as all geographical regions and all local authority areas.

The information taken from the Census can help local authorities to understand the needs of different people and groups in their communities. This will give a clear idea of the kind of services in areas such as housing, schools, transport and healthcare, needing to be considered approximately over the next ten years. This helps to make sure the appropriate central government funding is obtained to plan those services. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) - 2011 Census homepage.

Census Atlas 2011

The following documents have been produced by the Isle of Wight Council Public Health Information Team. They provide a statistical snapshot of the Isle of Wight, as revealed by the 2011 Census.

A selection of Census data has been chosen to give a topical impression of the Island, to show how it compares with the country as a whole. It illustrates how population, housing and employment characteristics vary considerably between areas.

Planning for land use, employment creation and social development requires an understanding and knowledge of basic facts about the population and its environment.

These documents are a small step towards explaining the complexities and intricacies of the mass of statistics available about the Island. It is hoped that it may convince some people that statistics really can be fun, as well as useful.

To provide a complete picture, certain other statistical sources have been used. Where data used is not from the 2011 Census, this is clearly indicated.

All Isle of Wight maps published in these documents are copyright © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019229.

Section 1 - Introduction (PDF, 580KB, 5 pages)

Section 2 - Population, Ethnicity and Religion (PDF, 2.14MB, 17 pages)

Section 3 - Housing (PDF, 1.35MB, 6 pages)

Section 4 - Communal Establishments (PDF, 286KB, 3 pages)

Section 5 - Employment (PDF, 1.49MB, 9 pages)

Section 6 - Transport (PDF, 880KB, 3 pages)

Section 7 - Education (PDF, 454KB, 3 pages)

Section 8 - Health (PDF, 635KB, 5 pages)

Section 9 - Agriculture (PDF, 329KB, 7 pages)

Section 10 - Ward Data Tables (PDF, 344KB, 26 pages)

2011 Census: Proportion of returns completed online

In addition to the table in the Census atlas showing the proportion of Census returns that were completed online on the Isle of Wight, we have also produced maps showing the data by ward  (PDF, 190.07KB, 1 page) and by LSOA (PDF, 190KB, 1 page)

Start Well

Pregnancy & Babies

Giving every child the best start in life is crucial to reducing health inequalities across the life course. The foundations for virtually every aspect of human development, physical, intellectual and emotional are laid in early childhood. What happens during these early years (starting in the womb) has lifelong effects on many aspects of health and well-being. From obesity, heart disease and mental health, to educational achievement and economic status.

To have an impact on health inequalities we need to address the social gradient in children’s access to positive early experiences. Later interventions, although important, are considerably less effective where good early foundations are lacking.

(Source: Fair Society, Healthy Lives - The Marmot Review Executive Summary, provided by UCL Institute of Health Equity. PDF, 34 pages)

Births & Healthy Start to Life factsheet March 2017 (PDF, 1MB, 5 pages). This factsheet highlights key information on  births, low birth weight, fertility rates and infant mortality.

Breastfeeding and Smoking in Pregnancy factsheet September 2016 (PDF, 1MB, 7 pages). This factsheet offers an insight into relating to levels of breastfeeding on the Island and rates of smoking in pregnancy.

Children & Young People

Children who have low cognitive scores at 22 months of age but who grow up in families of high socioeconomic position improve their relative scores as they approach the age of 10. The relative position of children with high scores at 22 months, but who grow up in families of low socioeconomic position, worsens as they approach age 10.

There has been a strong government commitment to the early years, enacted through a wide range of policy initiatives, including Sure Start and the Healthy Child Programme. It is vital that this is sustained over the long term. Even greater priority must be given to ensuring expenditure early in the developmental life cycle (that is, on children below the age of five) and that more is invested in interventions that have been proved to be effective.

Children's Health and Wellbeing factsheet June 2017 (PDF, 3.8MB, 29 pages). This factsheet contains comprehensive information relating to the health and wellbeing of children on the Isle of Wight.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly Public Health England (PHE)) publish an annual child health profile for the Isle of Wight, they can be downloaded from here: Child and Maternal Health - Data - OHID (phe.org.uk)

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly PHE) interactive analysis tool Child Health Profile aimed at supporting commissioning decisions.

Child Poverty Report 2019 update (PDF, 574KB, 13 pages). This report provides an update on child poverty figures across the Island

Children and Young People's Survey 2017 Report  (PDF, 2.23 MB, 64 pages) This report highlights key findings and analysis of the Children and Young People's survey 2017, carried out on the Isle of Wight among children in years 6, 8 and 10.

Childhood Immunisations factsheet July 2017 (PDF, 839KB, 7 pages). This factsheet concentrates on the routine childhood immunisations including Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella

Education & Skills factsheet (2017/18 results) June 2019  (PDF, 0.98 MB, 9 pages) This factsheet highlights the 2017/18 results for Early Years, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, GCSEs and A-Levels. There is also information about average class size, school absence rates, 16 to 17 year old NEET statistics (Not in education, employment or training) and qualifications of those aged 16 to 64.

The previous year's factsheet: Education & Skills factsheet (2016/17 results) June 2019 (PDF, 1.03MB, 9 pages)

National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP 2016 to 2017 report)  (PDF, 669KB, 15 pages) and 

National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) Report 2017 to 2018 (PDF, 665KB, 15 pages). These reports look at the local findings from the recent NCMP programmes which measure levels of primary school children in Reception and Year 6 who are underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese.

The Social Mobility Index provided by GOV.UK The Social Mobility Index compares the chances that a child from a disadvantaged background will do well at school and get a good job across each of the 324 local authority district areas of England.

Live Well (Healthy Communities)


Diabetes factsheet March 2014 (PDF, 401KB, 3 pages). This factsheet looks at diabetes on the Island.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly PHE) interactive analysis tool OHID Diabetes Profile is aimed at supporting commissioning decisions

Antimicrobial Resistance factsheet June 2017 (PDF, 382KB, 4 pages). This factsheet covers the emerging issue of antimicrobial resistance.

Cancer factsheet June 2015 (PDF, 570KB, 5 pages). This factsheet covers the four most common forms of cancer; breast, lung, colorectal and prostate.

Learning Disabilities factsheet October 2017 (PDF, 785KB, 5 pages). This factsheet looks at the key information about learning disability need on the Isle of Wight.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly PHE) interactive analysis tool OHID Learning Disabilities Profile is aimed at supporting commissioning decisions.

Suicide factsheet January 2020 (PDF, 602KB, 5 pages). This factsheet highlights key information about suicide and self harm.

Mental Health factsheet February 2017 (PDF, 876KB, 5 pages). This factsheet highlights key information about mental health, dementia and depression.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly PHE) interactive analysis tool OHID Mental Health Profile is aimed at supporting commissioning decisions.

NHS digital Mental Health data set  - clinical activity data on mental health 

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly PHE) have produced a series of infographics about mental health and work in England - these can be viewed online here Mental Health and work (England data) website (published 13 September 2016).

Oral Health Briefing Paper November 2017 (PDF, 1MB, 18 pages). This briefing paper looks in detail into the risk factors, prevention and cost of oral health, both in children and adults.


Drugs & Alcohol factsheet June 2016 (PDF, 1.09MB, 8 pages) This factsheet looks at issues related to drug and alcohol misuse including impact on health, hospital admissions, crime and treatment.

Excess Weight and Nutrition Factsheet June 2016 (PDF, 1.3MB, 7 pages). This factsheet highlights key information about adult and childhood excess weight (including obesity), healthy eating, maternal obesity and related issues such as diabetes and physical activity.

Physical Activity factsheet April 2016 (PDF, 1,218KB, 9 pages). This factsheet covers physical activity and its importance for health and wellbeing

Sport England have an interactive tool for interrogating the Active Lives survey data, down to local authority level.

Smoking factsheet July 2019 (PDF, 537KB, 3 pages). This factsheet covers smoking prevalence on the Isle of Wight.

Sexual Health factsheet September 2013 (PDF, 435KB, 4 pages).This factsheet covers all aspects of sexual health including chlamydia and HIV/AIDS.

Sexual Health Profile November 2018 (PDF, 5.14MB, 47 pages). A profile of need and activity for the Isle of Wight.

Live Well (Economy & Place)


Fuel Poverty - Update June 2019 (PDF, 440KB, 2 pages). Brief update to fuel poverty figures following release of updated data

Child Poverty Report 2019 update (PDF, 574KB, 13 pages). This Report provides an update on child poverty figures across the Island

The NOMIS (ONS labour market statistics) profile for the Isle of Wight

Stat-Xplore provides a guided way to explore DWP benefit statistics, currently holding data relating to Housing Benefit claimants, the number of National Insurance Number (NINo) registrants entering the UK from overseas, Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) sanction decisions, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC). Visit the Stat-Xplore website.

Isle of Wight Economic Profile (November 2019) (PDF, 4.87MB, 92 pages) The Isle of Wight Economic Profile was produced in conjunction with Hampshire County Council’s Economic & Business Intelligence team (EBIS). It highlights the Island’s economic performance over the last 10 years and compares it to neighbouring areas such as Southampton, Portsmouth and Hampshire. The profile covers matters such as the labour market, skills and occupations, Business occupations, key economic sectors


Housing and Accommodation factsheet February 2019  (PDF, 814KB, 10 pages). This factsheet highlights key information and statistics relating to housing and accommodation on the Isle of Wight, including house prices and sales volumes, housing affordability, homelessness, deprivation, fuel poverty and housing adaptation.

Community Safety Partnership 2020 Strategic Assessment (PDF, 1.25MB, 40 pages) The Community Safety Partnership produces a strategic assessment of community safety on the Isle of Wight, including crime figures, youth offending, road traffic accidents, fires, environmental health and trading standards data.  View more about the Community Safety partnership.

For a lot of services, the Isle of Wight has been split into three localities - North East Wight, South Wight and West & Central Wight. Here is a map of the localities and which LSOA areas they consist of. 

Here are some data profiles for each of the localities showing the differences or similarities between them:

North East Wight locality profile (PDF, 197KB, 5 pages)

South Wight locality profile (PDF, 187KB, 5 pages)

West & Central Wight locality profile (PDF, 187KB, 5 pages)

Age Well

Healthy Ageing

Cardiovascular Disease factsheet September 2014 (PDF, 428KB, 4 pages) This factsheet covers aspects relating to circulatory disease, chronic heart disease, stroke and hypertension.

Cardiovascular Disease Primary Care intelligence pack June 2017 (PDF, 680KB, 89 pages) This is published by PHE and looks at local risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease.

Dementia factsheet March 2016 (PDF, 326KB, 4 pages). 

Disability factsheet September 2013 (PDF, 530KB, 7 pages). This factsheet highlights disabilities on the Island including visual impairment, hearing impairment and learning disabilities.

Life Expectancy, Mortality and End of Life Care factsheet 2019  (PDF, 2.43MB, 11 pages). This factsheet covers life expectancy, mortality and causes of deaths and care at the end of life.

Older People factsheet June 2017 (PDF, 1.5MB, 9 pages). This factsheet highlights issues including Cardiovascular Disease, falls, fractures, Delayed Transfers of Care and older carers.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID - formerly PHE) provides an interactive analysis tool: Productive Healthy Ageing Profile . This tool is aimed at supporting commissioners who are delivering services for older people.

Market Position Statement for adult social care (PDF, 2MB, 105 pages) This position statement provides information, intelligence and analysis benefit to current and prospective providers of health and social care services.