Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Since April 2013 every Health and Wellbeing Board in England has a legal responsibility to publish and keep up to date a statement of the needs for pharmaceutical services of the population in its area, referred to as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The PNA looks at the existing provision of community pharmacy services across the Isle of Wight and whether this meets the current and future needs of the population. It can be used to make decisions in the commissioning of NHS-funded Pharmaceutical Services.

Consultation on the draft Isle of Wight Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2025-2028

The Isle of Wight Council is seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on its draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Your feedback will help inform further development of the PNA which will be published in October this year.

The consultation is open from 20 January 2025 until 11:59pm on 21 March 2025.

Note that responses received after this time will not be included in the findings report.

How to have your say

Before giving your views, we ask you to read the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment:

You are invited to give your views on this document. You can do this by using the online Response Form.

Complete the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Response Form to give us your views.

If you require a paper copy of the draft PNA or the Response Form, or if you have any queries about the consultation, please contact or call 01983 821000.

You can also email your response directly to Isle of Wight Council using the email

Whilst we carefully review all responses to this consultation, we are unable to reply to any individual respondent. Your input is important to us and will be considered as we move forward with the PNA process.

Thank you for your understanding and contribution.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-2025

Details of pharmacy services on the Isle of Wight

NHS Choices provides details of your local pharmacy, opening hours and services.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – changes and closures

Since 5 December 2016, the Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory duty to make a representation to NHSE on consolidation applications of community pharmacies in its area (for example, where pharmacy businesses on two or more sites propose to consolidate to a single existing site). The Health and Wellbeing Board must respond within 45 days. NHS England collate all responses from interested parties and then makes the final decision on the consolidation application.

This summary spreadsheet presents the consolidation applications, closures, and changes on the Isle of Wight since the publication of the latest PNA.