Advice on Archaeology and the Historic Environment

two people in white hard hats and yellow high vis jackets inspecting a ditch in the soil

What kind of advice does the archaeology and historic environment service (IWCAHES) provide?

The Isle of Wight Archaeology and Historic Environment Service

  • provides advice through development control
  • provides advice through strategic planning policy
  • monitors the work of archaeological contractors and consultants
  • offers pre-application advice
  • provides advice on the archaeological implications of works by utilities companies
  • provides advice on the archaeological implications of works by land-based grant schemes including
    • Countryside Stewardship
    • forestry
    • Hedgerow Removal Notices

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government's planning policies on the conservation of the historic environment.

Heritage assets are a material consideration in the planning process. This means the outcome of your planning application can be affected if your proposed development

  • is likely to affect a heritage asset
  • lies in an area of archaeological potential

If you are planning a development, it is wise to seek advice from the IWCAHES as early as possible before submitting a planning application. This can save time and money and avoid problems later.

Archaeological work as part of development works

Archaeological work on the Isle of Wight is usually undertaken in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI).

The IWCAHES can provide advice and/or a brief outlining the required work to help produce the WSI.

The WSI must be agreed by the Isle of Wight Archaeology and Historic Environment Service and approved by the Local Planning Authority before work starts.

  • works must adhere to the WSI to make they are done to a satisfactory professional standard
  • works must meet the requirements set out in the planning condition
  • the WSI should reference published Standards and Guidelines of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and Historic England
  • the work must be done by appropriately qualified personnel named in the WSI

How do I find a qualified professional archaeologist?

The Isle of Wight Council does not keep a list of ‘approved’ archaeological contractors. Contact the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

Tips for commissioning archaeological work

When you choose a professional, you need to make sure that the organisation or individual approached:

  • has the necessary experience and understanding to satisfy the brief (including those aspects relating to reporting, publication and archiving)
  • can provide personnel with the appropriate skills, qualifications, including specialist (e.g. environmental) input. This should include consideration of sub-contractors.
  • can meet the required timetable
  • has a suitable infrastructure for, and track record of, undertaking work of a similar scale

Planning conditions for archaeological works normally include a condition for the IWCAHES to monitor the on-site archaeological works. This is to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the details agreed in the WSI.

Enforcement action may be taken if archaeological requirements are not complied with. 

This advice is provided for information only. The Isle of Wight Council can take no responsibility for the operations of independent organisations.