Historic Environment Record

What is the Historic Environment Record?

The Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record (HER) is the main source of information about the island’s historic environment. The HER comprises a computerised database linked to a Geographic Information System (GIS). This is supported by background information including documentary archives, historic maps, an extensive collection of aerial photographs, and an archaeological library.

The HER is updated continuously and currently contains records of more than 15,000 sites, including:

  • archaeological monuments and findspots
  • historic buildings
  • sites in the coastal zone
  • maritime sites including shipwrecks
  • military
  • industrial sites
  • parks and gardens
  • landscape features

The record also contains details of events, such as excavations, geophysical surveys, and other projects.

watercolour painting of found golden artefacts, crosses, ducks, buttons, clasps on sepia paper

Information held in the HER and its archives may be accessed by appointment by developers, researchers, students, and other interested members of the public.

Using HER information in a Heritage Statement

Planning applications which may affect heritage assets should include a Heritage Statement. The National Planning Policy Framework states that consultation with the local Historic Environment Record is a minimum requirement.

The scope and degree of detail needed in the Heritage Statement will vary depending on the scale of the development. For larger-scale proposals or where the archaeological potential of the site is not known you may need to commission a more detailed desk-based assessment.

Historic environment and archaeological desk-based assessments should be carried out in accordance with Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment.

What does an HER search cost?

An HER search fee is normally only made where the enquiry is for commercial or profit-making purposes. Charges may also be made for photocopying, scanning documents, and postage.

For more information view our HER Access and Charging Policy. 

Scale of Charges

The current rate for HER searches is £70 plus VAT for the first hour and £30 per hour thereafter.

Commercial searches taking less than an hour will be charged a fee of £30 plus VAT unless they produce negative results in which case the charge will be waived.

We do not offer a priority search service.

How do I apply for an HER search?

You need to complete and return an HER users declaration form. 

You will then gain access to the record.

We reserve the right to refuse access to information held on the Historic Environment Record if there is a threat to the security and preservation of the archaeological resource.

Confidential information will not be disclosed.

For more information email HER@iow.gov.uk