Historic Landscapes on the Isle of Wight

aerial view of Newtown showing patchwork fields, blue waterway and buildings on a sunny day

The historic environment is all around us and encompasses the landscapes, monuments, settlements, buildings, fields, lanes and roads which survive from every period of our human past.

Isle of Wight Historic Environment Action Plan (HEAP)

HEAPs are a way of characterising the historic environment of local areas. They provide an overview of the actions needed to manage and conserve the resource for future generations.

The Isle of Wight HEAP draws on the programme of Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) which consists of a digital map displaying HLC types representing the historic dimensions of the present day landscape.

Isle of Wight Historic Landscape Characterisation

Completed in 2008, the Isle of Wight HLC project was funded by English Heritage.

These are archive documents and therefore can't be made fully digitally accessible. If you need the document in a different format, please contact archaeology@iow.gov.uk

What is the aim of the HEAP?

The Island's HEAP identifies areas of importance for archaeology, the historic landscape and the historic built environment and sets out strategies for their local management.

A key aim is to promote community understanding, conservation, and management of the historic environment.

The HEAP is treated as background evidence in planning matters connected with the historic environment. In terms of general landscape management, the HEAP is used in the assessment of Countryside Stewardship applications, woodland plans, and other proposals for our countryside.

You can download the HEAP reports from the links below or request paper copies of the HEAP Area and Type reports. Contact the County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service.

HEAP documents and reports

These are archive documents and therefore can't be made fully digitally accessible. If you need the document in a different format, or would like to request paper copies of the HEAP Area and Type reports email archaeology@iow.gov.uk