Rhymetime is an informal, noisy session for babies and toddlers, consisting of nursery rhymes and action songs. All library Rhymetimes are free to attend, and there is no need to book in advance. Just turn up on the day, and have fun.
Benefits of Rhymetime
Research shows that early exposure to songs and rhymes can help a child learn to read later on. Rhymes help create an understanding of rhythm and an enjoyment of words. Parents and carers often benefit from Rhymetime, too, since they're great places to make new friends.
Don't worry if you don't know the words or actions. We share the words, and we repeat our favourite rhymes most weeks. You'll soon pick things up and be able to share the songs and rhymes with your child at home as well.
Find a Rhymetime session
Unless otherwise stated, Rhymetimes take place throughout the year, including the school holidays, unless the library is closed for a public holiday. Sessions are held every week in the following libraries:
- Cowes Library, Mondays, 11am to 11.30am (followed by half an hour of playtime)
- Freshwater Library, Fridays, 10am to 10.30am
- Ryde Library, Mondays, 10.30 am to 11am
- Sandown Library, Thursdays, 10.30am to 11am.