Reading groups

group discussing books next to a book shelf looking happy and relaxed

How do I find a reading group?

A reading group is a great way of sharing the love of reading and inspiring you to try something different. Our library service supports at least one reading group in each library on the Island. Some of the groups meet in the libraries, some in people's homes and some in shops, cafes and pubs.

We provide:

  • a group ticket for reserving books for the group
  • sets of books for reading groups
  • free reservations for reading group sets
  • structured discussion questions for specific titles
  • dree advertising for the book groups in our libraries and on our website
  • no fines for overdue reading group books

Does my library have a reading group?

Take a look at the library webpages. If the details of the reading group are not listed, contact the library using the contact details on their page.

How do I set up a reading group?

Follow our guide to set up your own reading group (PDF, 161KB, 4 pages) . Alternatively, you can ask a member of staff at your local library for help. 

Set list of reading group books available

Download a list of reading group sets (PDF, 516KB) currently available from the library service. The list includes a summary of each book set, and the number of copies available.