Thermal camera loan scheme

Library Thermal camera loan scheme with Wight Community Energy

a hand holding a thermal camera up in a room with blue curtains to showing cold spots on the screen

How to borrow a thermal camera from the library

Isle of Wight residents can borrow a thermal camera from their local library to identify cold spots in their home. The library thermal camera loan scheme makes it easy and convenient for you to identify areas in your home that are letting out heat and take steps to save energy.

The camera is in a bag with instructions.

The instructions

  • are easy to follow
  • tell you how to use the device
  • provide signposting about what to do with the results

More information about home energy from Wight Community Energy

Energy advice from the Footprint Trust

The Footprint trust is an energy charity who in addition to offering home visits, provide over-the-phone guidance and face-to-face help with saving energy at their drop-in sessions. They can offer help using our thermal cameras.

Drop-in sessions

The Footprint Trust hold drop-in sessions offering energy support and guidance