DVDs in libraries
All Island libraries stock a range of DVDs for adults, youth, and children, ranging from the latest feature films to old favourites. There is a charge for DVD hire, and you can borrow up to four at a time.
DVD charges
For most adult DVDs, the charge is £1.50 for one night, or £3 for a week.
Most children's DVDs, except for high-profile feature films, can be rented for £1.00 for one night, or £2.00 for a week.
DVD boxed sets (more than 2 discs) can be hired for £3 for one night, or £5 per week.
A 'one night' DVD loan is due back on the next day that the library is open. For example, a DVD borrowed for one night from Cowes Library on a Tuesday wouldn't be due back until the Friday, since Cowes Library is closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Fines are charged for late DVDs. This is the equivalent of a weekly loan. For example if a DVD is hired for one night for £1.50 and it becomes overdue it will be fined a further £1.50 for the first week and a further £3.00 a week for every subsequent week that it is overdue.
Age restrictions
DVD hire is subject to age restriction with 18, 15, and 12 certificate ratings. DVDs can only be borrowed by people over the appropriate ages for each. This is a legal restriction, and there are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.