Beach hut and concessions

We operate a beach hut service at the following locations:

  • Appley
  • Puckpool
  • Dunroamin
  • Little Stairs
  • Colwell (Seaview Lane)
  • Gurnard
  • East Cowes.

These services are owned by private individuals who pay a ground rent to us.

The nature of the beach hut service is that we do not hold records of current huts that are for sale. These are published with local estate agents and advertised in local newspapers.

The operation of beach hut concessions is also undertaken by the beach and esplanade management service. The concessions are owned by private individuals by which a ground rent or operating licence is paid to us.

Daily or weekly beach hut hire

There are some beach sites that hire huts out on a daily or weekly basis.


Eastern Beach and Bayside Beach – call Sophie Wade-Smith on 07701 308341 or visit


Hinks & Sons Lake Slipway – call Mr and Mrs J Abbott on 01983 472991 or 07596 776111, or email


Strollers Beach Huts – call Emma Clemens on 07899 893982.


Small Hope Beach – call Alan Hawkins on 07542 849917.

Dylan Lehmann, Shanklin Beach near Chine - email or call: 07855 932903


Blakes Longshoreman Esplanade – Call J and F Blakes on 01983 857186 or evening time on 01983 852723.


Long Beach, Colwell Bay - call Mr Gary Sheath on 01983 752891