Isle of Wight beaches
We are proud of our local area, and that is why we want to work with you to help make our beaches the very best they can be.
Introducing our beaches
We have many miles of varietal coastline from golden sand to shingle coves. We manage and maintain some of the beaches on the Island.
Our beaches and esplanades are inspected regularly to ensure that they are clean and safe for our visitors. When you are visiting our beaches, we recommend that you take time to find the information point at the beach and read the information provided. There are many regulations and byelaws for the area you visit.
As an island, we are committed to the safety of our residents and visitors to keep you safe on our beaches. Read our seaside safety information.
We have provided an information leaflet on disabled access and toilet facilities at our beaches (PDF, 17.92 KB, 1 page).
For more information on our beaches, click on:
- Gurnard (PDF, 119KB, 4 pages)
- Cowes (PDF, 24.9KB, 3 pages)
- East Cowes (PDF, 14KB, 3 pages)
- Ryde (PDF, 90KB, 5 pages)
- Springvale (PDF, 49.96KB, 3 pages)
- Seagrove (PDF, 50.53KB, 3 pages)
- Yaverland (PDF, 233.53KB, 4 pages)
- Shanklin (PDF, 285.38KB, 5 pages)
- Ventnor (PDF, 71.01KB, 5 pages)
- Colwell (PDF, 266.23KB, 4 pages)
- Sandown (PDF, 213.30KB, 5 pages)
- St Helens (PDF, 60.97KB, 4 pages) .
Complete a general enquiry for all your questions.
Bathing water quality
Bathing waters along the 57 miles of Island coastline have never been cleaner in recent times. However, the way bathing water quality is measured, changed in 2015 and standards are now twice as strict before. This is why the council is working even more closely with water companies, community groups and the Environment Agency to address issues which affect bathing water quality.
In 2015, DEFRA announced the first bathing water classifications under the "2006 Bathing Water Directive". For details of each classification and up-to-date results, along with water quality history, visit our water quality web page.
Together we can save our beaches
There are seven things that can affect the bathing water quality(PDF, 252KB, 1 page).
To celebrate the beautiful bathing waters in the Isle of Wight, we aim to help you understand the impacts on bathing water quality. You have the power to protect our Island beaches.
Many people are unaware of the fact that bathing water is affected by a range of things, including contaminated rainwater running off roads and agricultural land, waste water from privately owned treatment works, boats and animals on the beach such as dogs and seabirds. Download our leaflet to help you remember six easy ways to improve the beauty of your beach (PDF, 2.69MB, 1 page).
Dogs and horses on the beach
Dogs are not permitted on any of the beaches between 1 May and 30 September. To find out more about dog control orders on our island beaches or to download our useful guidance for dog owners, visit Dogs and horses on beaches. We have also provided information for horse riding on council controlled beaches.
Metal detecting
To find out more information regarding metal detecting on Isle of Wight Council beaches and where metal detecting is permitted, download Metal detectors on Isle of Wight Council-controlled beaches (PDF, 343 KB, 2 pages). It also has a map showing our beaches and those not controlled by us.