Playgrounds and recreational grounds

To help you plan a visit to our playgrounds, we have provided some useful links:

For all general enquiries regarding our parks, beaches, and public spaces amenities, complete an enquiry form.


We manage various playgrounds for public use around the Island (PDF, 75.8KB, 4 pages). Many of our playgrounds meet the Locally Equipped Area for Play (L.E.A.P) Standards.

Recreational grounds

If you would like to hire one of our football pitches, either for seasonal or one-off games or training sessions, contact us for more information and to check availability.

We also have a netball hardplay site at Seaclose, in Newport, which can be hired for netball or football training. Contact us for more information.


Park Road Recreation – offers football pitches and changing rooms


Seaclose Park – offers football pitches, changing rooms, and hardplay site


Wootton Recreation Ground – offers football pitches and changing rooms