Discover your future with Island Futures

Published: 19 July 2023

Island Futures summer drop in

Young people, aged 16-18 (or up to 25 with special educational needs) are invited to visit their local Island Futures drop-in to talk about their future options.

If they’ve recently left school and do not have plans for education or training in September, or are currently not in education, employment or training, then our free and friendly drop-in sessions can help with:

  • support to develop employability skills, including CV writing skills, interview skills and application support;
  • advice and support on the full range of opportunities available, including college, apprenticeships, traineeships, supported internships and employment;
  • further ongoing personalised one-to-one support to help secure education, employment or training.

Our friendly Island Futures team, who are part of children's services, provide a judgement free, safe environment where young people can express and explore their passions and discover their potential.

Island Futures drop-ins are taking place at:

Newport Library — Tuesdays, 2-4pm.
Ryde Library — Wednesday, 2-4pm.
Sandown Library — Thursdays, 10.30am to 12.30pm on the following dates: 27 July,17 August, 7 September, 28 September and 19 October.

Councillor Debbie Andre, Cabinet member for children's services, education and lifelong skills, said: “Finishing your exams and leaving school can be quite daunting.

"You may not be sure what options are available to you as you step out towards your future and that’s where our expert team can help.

"It’s independent, confidential and judgement free. It’s a chance to talk about what inspires you, the best pathways for you to enter the workplace and how to set and achieve your life goals and aspirations.

"Our team can help you to choose the right pathway for you. So do take that first step and come along and have a chat with the team this summer.”