Your garden waste subscription

The subscription window for the green garden waste collection service for the 2025/26 subscription year is open.

  • Renewals can be purchased from 14 January 2025.
  • New subscriptions can be purchased from 11 February 2025.

Subscriptions cost £102.00 per subscription, per year. You can pay by:

  • a single one-off payment of £102.00 by credit or debit card. This does not renew automatically 
  • Direct Debit £102.00 annually, which will automatically renew. Direct Debit payments are collected on 10 April each year (this option is only available online) 
  • Direct Debit monthly payment of £8.50, which will automatically renew. Payments are taken on the tenth day of each month. If you cancel mid-year, you will still have to pay in full (this option is only available online)

Before you apply, read the Household Garden Waste subscription service terms and conditions (PDF, 870KB, 4 pages).

New subscriptions

Renewal Customers 

If you pay by Direct Debit and your bank account details have not changed, you do not need to do anything. Your subscription will automatically renew from 1 April 2025. 

If you do not want to renew your subscription, please e-mail by the 4 March and the auto renew function will be removed.

Service information

It is a subscription-only service for domestic properties. You can have multiple subscriptions for one property. You can also share your subscription with your neighbours. 

Subscriptions cannot be taken out for businesses. 

The subscription year runs from 1 April until 31 March the following year. 

This service can be used alongside any collection plus services or assisted collection. If you do, your garden waste will need to be placed in your agreed-allocated collection point. 

When your garden waste will be collected

Collections take place every two weeks. Check your garden waste collection day.

Set your garden waste bin or reusable sacks at your collection point on collection day by 7am. We do not accept side waste on this service. Extra waste that does not fit in your bin or reusable sack will not be collected.

You can choose from either:

  • a 240 litre brown lidded bin,
  • three reusable garden waste sacks (same total volume as a 240 litre bin).

Your garden waste bin or reusable sacks will be delivered by 1 April 2024.

Change of details

If the subscription holder has passed away and the GGW subscription is in their name, you can still renew this account.

You will need to either:

  • log in to your ‘my account’ registered at the same property address,
  • create a new ‘my account’ registered at that property address.

This will then pick up the current subscription for that property and allow you to renew.

If you do not have online access, you will need to apply for a new subscription at the property in your own name during the subscription window.

You can do this by calling 01983 823777.

If you move address or want to change the subscription address, you can update your collection address on 'myaccount'. If you move address, you must take your bin or reusable sacks to the new address.

Flat and communal properties

If you live in a flat or communal property you can apply for a garden waste subscription. Communal properties can only select garden sacks to prevent access issues to bin stores.

Cancel your subscription

If you wish to cancel your Direct Debit, you must provide 30 days’ notice in writing or email to Any remaining balance based on the annual subscription must be paid in full.

If you do not want to renew for the following year, and you have a subscription that was paid in full by a one-off card payment, you do not need to take any further action. This subscription will automatically expire on 31 March.