Portage services
Portage is for children who have a significant delay in their development. Children can be referred to the Early years SEN Advisory Team if the child is delayed in two areas of learning by half their age.
For example, if the child is three years old, their learning must be delayed by one and a half years.
We have expertise in understanding, recognising and supporting the needs of every child. Parents/carers are recognised as knowing their child best and Portage builds on this knowledge. Portage is at its most effective when parents/carers are committed to carrying out agreed activities and strategies and work closely with us and all those involved with the child.
Our Advisors will:
- visit the family regularly at home,
- work with families to plan fun activities so that the child learns new skills in small steps,
- liaise with other professionals to help families meet the needs of their child.
More information is available at National Portage Association.
Request for portage involvement
Health and Early Years Education professional
If you are a professional, download and complete the Request for specialist portage involvement referral application form (PDF, 201KB).
You will also need to supply supportive information to include:
- Childcare setting* - your plan of reviews with details of the impact these had on the child's ability to access the curriculum
- Health Professionals - the developmental Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ), programmes of targeted support and any reports.
Email completed applications to pupil.services@iow.gov.uk.
*A childcare setting is known as: pre-school, nursery or child minder.
Parent of a child who is not in a childcare setting
Speak to your Health Visitor or visit your local family centre where professionals can provide advice and apply for any of these services.
Support for early years settings
If your are an early years setting and need advice and support regarding children with SEN needs, visit our support service for childcare settings.
Additional funding for childcare settings
Funding is available to provide additional adult support within the childcare setting. The funding flowchart explains the process for applying for additional funding.
To apply for additional funding
- Complete the funding application form (PDF, 146KB)
- Email completed form to: pupil.services@iow.gov.uk.
Advice for completing the additional funding application form
Use your observation and knowledge to fully explain the child’s strengths and main areas of difficulty.
The description should include:
- Specific information on how the child presents, the impact on their development and how they access their learning.
- What advice from outside agencies has been sought, how this has been implemented and what impact this has had.
- Evidence of at least two cycles of plan, do, review.
- Detailed description of how the funding would be used, consistent with the described difficulties.