Updates for home educators

Exam Centre Information

We will write to all parents/carers in the Autumn term. regarding information for the arrangements for EHE students to sit their 2025 exams.

If you need information about this, please email electivehomeeducation@iow.gov.uk

Post-16 opportunities for Year 11 pupils

We have recently written to parent/carers of all Year 11 home education pupils regarding post-16 opportunities for Year 11 students, the continuation of child benefit and how to access careers guidance.  

If you are a parent/carer of a Year 11 home educated pupil who has not received either an email or letter in the post from us regarding the above email electivehomeeducation@iow.gov.uk

Find out more information about opportunities for post-16 pupils.

IOW Wellbeing Service

The aim of the service is to support parents and carers of children and young people living on the Isle of Wight who are experiencing distressing or challenging behaviours.

The Isle of Wight Wellbeing Service works with families to help develop children’s positive behaviour and emotional wellbeing from Year R to Year 7. 

To receive support from the Isle of Wight Wellbeing Service, you as a parent need to seek a referral from any member of staff working within health care. This could be your GP, Health Visitor, School Nurse, Paediatrician, OT, CAMHS or any other staff working within health care with whom you may already be involved.


The IOW Wellbeing Service run workshops. You do not need to be referred to the service to access these. A lot of the courses are based online

  • What’s Behind the Behaviour
  • Child to Parent Violence and Aggression
  • Boundaries and Expectations
  • Navigating Neurodivergence
  • Supporting the anxious child

For more information or to reserve a place on a workshop email mitch.burson@iow.gov.uk