School place planning timeline

What happens next?

We work to this timeframe for reporting, decision making and implementation of decisions. 

Report considered by Cabinet on 18 July 2024

Cabinet approved the publication of the draft school place planning strategy and agreed to proceed with reviewing the level of surplus places, and increases to special educational needs provision, to support improved education standards within the context of the emerging Education Strategy.

Report to be considered by Cabinet on the 12 September 2024

The report will seek approval to commence Stage 1 of the statutory consultation process, identifying schools for amendment, closure or expansion. This will include the Special Education Needs (SEND) expansion programme.

6 week statutory public consultation - stage 1

Public have the opportunity to comment on the report. 4 weeks of the consultation is during school term-time.

Report to Cabinet December/January

Report will note the outcomes of consultation and seek authority to commence stage 2 of the statutory consultation process and publish final closure notices.

6 week statutory public consultation - stage 2

Public have the opportunity to comment on the report. 4 weeks of the consultation is during school term-time.

March to August 2025

Report will define implementation of closures by 31 August 2025 and SEND Expansion plans by December 2025.

Planning and implementation of closures by 31 August 2025 and SEND Expansion plans by December 2025

School Place planning FAQs

Health and wellbeing support
