Highways network management
Island roads are responsible for the following services:
- recording and assessing requests for highway improvements such as new traffic signage and traffic calming
- road works - obstructions / occupation by utility companies works
- inspecting roads and highways for elements covered by licences (vehicle crossovers, skip licences, scaffolding, hoarding, attachments)
- processing Section 50, Section 58 and other Street Works licences
- traffic management enforcement
- processing of traffic regulation order applications
- coordination of streetworks and network activities
- managing the streetworks permit scheme & processing permit applications
- management of abnormal loads on the public highway network
- abandoned vehicles
- access protection bars
- traffic signals
- application for the use of pedestrianised area and town squares (some of this function is retained by our licencing team)
- applications for skips, scaffolding, building materials and hoarding permits
- applications for dropped kerbs/vehicle crossovers
- applications for brown ‘tourist’ signs
- applications for disabled parking bays & advisory disabled bays
- applications for restrictions or closures (car parks, streets, Public Rights of Way)
The council has a continuing programme of schemes to improve the safety and operation of the highway network in conjunction with Island Roads as part of the Highways PFI. Many of these schemes originate from requests made by the public. As well as concerns about the safety of individual road junctions, there are requests for pedestrian crossing facilities, speed restraint measures (such as road humps), and minor issues such as new warning signs etc. Please visit the Island Roads website or telephone on 01983 822440 for further information.