Information for parents

Road safety education at home

It’s important that your children know how to use the road in safe and sustainable ways. The information below teaches children the skills and knowledge to be safe.

Educators and families should demonstrate safe behaviours as much as possible, acting as positive role models for children.

The Tales of the Road resource was produced by the Department for Transport (DfT) and is a junior version of the Highway Code. We encourage parents to use this resource with their children, particularly Key Stage 2 (ages 7 to 11).

There are additional resources available on the websites listed below:


Walking is the easiest way of getting around for most people. It’s free, healthy and sustainable. It can also be an opportunity to help your child develop their road safety skills. The Government guidance on rules for pedestrians provide advice and information about road safety. 

The Green Cross Code

When attempting to cross a road, you should follow the green cross code. The Road Wise website provides details of putting the green cross code into practice. Adults should follow the code to act as positive role models for children.

Pedestrian crossings

A pedestrian crossing is a place where you can cross the road safely. There are several types of crossing:

  • Zebra
  • Island
  • Pelican
  • Puffin
  • Toucan
  • Equestrian

The Highway code provides guidance on road crossings


Some crossings have been adapted for accessibility purposes. They assist people with visual and hearing impairments to use our roads and pavements safely.

For example, puffin crossings sometimes have rotating cones on the bottom which activate when it’s safe to cross. Some crossings make a loud beeping noise when you can cross. Some crossings will have tactile paving.


Cycling is a fun way to get around. Like walking, it’s healthy and sustainable. Switching to cycling instead of using a car helps to reduce our impact on the environment. Government guidance rules for cyclists provides advice and information about road safety.

British Cycling provides information on buying and fitting a cycle helmet. Ensuring that it fits securely.

You also need to ensure your bike is road worthy. Each time you leave the house on your bike you should do the ABCD check

  • Air - are your tyres correctly inflated?
  • Brakes – are your brakes working?
  • Chain – is your chain clean and freely moving?
  • Direction – are the handlebars straight and do not move independently of the front wheel?