Solent transport


Transport does not stop at our boundary and it is recognised that although physically separate from our mainland neighbours, we rely on the mainland transport infrastructure and cross-Solent links for our everyday existence.

In March 2013, the Isle of Wight Council joined with Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council in Solent Transport, a strategic transport partnership, the aims of which are to improve transport for South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Solent Transport is changing the way the public travels in the Solent area, making it greener, healthier and economically stronger than it has ever been before.

Through the delivery of transport solutions, Solent Transport provides leadership, strategy and direction to support sustainable economic growth in the Solent area.

In collaboration with the local community, business, government and transport operators, Solent Transport:

  • undertakes research
  • develops transport policy and strategy
  • submits and supports funding bids
  • lobbies for transport improvements that will benefit everyone

Find out more about Solent Transport

The Solent Transport Prospectus

The Solent Transport Prospectus outlines the vision and plans up to 2040 for improving transport within the Solent Area. It was developed by the following four Local Transport Authorities (LTAs), working with Solent Transport and supported by Transport for South East (TfSE) and Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH)

  • Isle of Wight Council
  • Hampshire County Council
  • Southampton City Council
  • Portsmouth City Council

We will achieve this vision by investing across four key areas of focus that will deliver a series of outcomes for transport. For each area of focus we want to:

  • Transform travel choices
  • Create thriving places and communities
  • Support a healthier and cleaner environment
  • Invest in our gateways

The prospectus builds upon our successes such as

And includes other programmes such as

The Solent Sub-Regional Transport Model (SRTM)

The SRTM is a multi-modal transport model, covering highway and public transport modes, which allows testing of the impacts and benefits of land use and transport interventions. It also has capabilities to test the economic impacts of these interventions.

Find out more about the STRM