Explosives (Fireworks) and Poisons
To sell fireworks you must apply for a licence from us.
An explosives licence is usually granted for storage up to 250kg Net Explosive Content of HT4 (1.4G) fireworks, subject to an inspection for the suitability of your intended storage. Storage of fireworks on a licence must be in compliance with the conditions set out in the licence.
Before you apply, you'll need to gather details on:
- The type and quantity (in kgs.) of each type of explosive you'll be storing.
- Existing licence details. Please include expiry date and reference number if renewing your license.
- The full address of anywhere that will be used to store explosives.
- An accepted method of payment. We currently accept payment by BACS, cheques or card payment by telephone.
We will carry out a range of checks to ensure that you are a ‘suitable’ person to hold a licence. We will check with:
- The National Anti-fraud Network
- Health and Safety Executive prosecution database
- Local police prosecution information
Explosives licence fees
fees apply for the duration of 1 year (from 1 October to 30 September 2024).
Fees to store up to 250kg NEC of Hazard Type 4, or up to 25kg NEC of Hazard
Type 3 explosives are set out below:
- New Licence: £113
- Renewal: £56
- Variation/transfer (to vary the name of the licensee or site address. Contact us for other variances to the licence): £38
- All year sales licence: £500
- For licences for up to 5 years: contact us for relevant fees.
For more information please contact trading standards email, trading.standards@iow.gov.uk
Fees for keeping quantities of explosives are set by The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) Regulations 2021
dates for selling fireworks
On an Explosives Regulations 2014 Licence, fireworks can
only be sold on the following days:
Festival and Date | Sales Start Date | Sales End Date |
Bonfire night - 5 November 2023 | 15 October | 10 November+ |
Diwali* - 13 November 2023 | 15 October | 13 November* |
New Year - 31 December 2023 | 26 December | 31 December |
Chinese New Year* - 10 February 2024 | 07 February* | 10 February* |
* Dates valid for 2023 to 2024 licensing period only.
+ Due to the date of Diwali, fireworks can be sold from 15 October to 13 November.
Selling fireworks any other time of the year
If you wish to sell fireworks at any other time of the year, you will need to purchase an additional licence. The fees also increase if your intended storage is for more than 250kg Net Explosive Content of HT4 (1.4G) fireworks. Any 1.3G fireworks will reduce the amount of your overall storage.
For more information please contact trading standards at trading.standards@iow.gov.uk
Further Information
- Explosive Regulations 2014 Guidance provided by HSE.
Template notice to be used by businesses: Fireworks Notice (PDF, 16KB).
- Stay safe this fireworks season - GOV.UK